Ambar Anderfuhrn is a 19-year-old girl from La Plata who entered the preliminary stages to participate in the 72nd edition of the international contest miss Universe. The public relations student is a native of Villa Elise and descendant of the first settlers of said locality. The 2023 edition of the contest will take place in The Savior and will have the participation of around 80 candidates from different countries who will compete for the title of Miss Universe 2023. The winner will be the successor to the 2022 beauty queen, R’Bonney Gabriel.

Anderfuhrn makes up the list of eleven shortlisted to compete for the title of Miss C.A.B.Awhich will be held at the Belgrano Auditorium at the beginning of June. In a next stage, there will be a competition at the national level, with a representative from each province and the winner will be the one who represents the Argentine Republic in the 72nd edition of the international contest. So far, the contest has no date but, according to the Salvadoran president Nayib BukeleIt will be before the end of the year.

in dialogue with stated: “I have many things to communicate, I want to be a spokesperson”. “It also seemed very interesting to me to make myself known and really say why I want to win this contest, not to put on good makeup, to have my hair done, learn to greet like plastering on the wall and say I’m ‘Miss Argentina'”. In addition, she recounted: “I have been bullied a lot during my childhood, this for me is proof of life. I had a great overcoming.”

On the other hand, she revealed that what inspires her from “small towns” is seeing girls “who are playing hockey with a stick of whatever” or who, with a ball “super punctured and patched, are trying to be the best player.” “The message that I want to convey and show is that, from there, a Lucha Aimar can come out, a great soccer player, one of the best actresses, a great woman without having to be someone publicly relevant.”

—Who is Ambar and what message does she want to give?

—I really like tango. I have been preparing myself as an actress for a long time, I am very much of the values ​​and codes of before, I think also because I grew up in a family of older people. I really like capocomics, in a way. You have to know how to divide what is wrong in concept, in words, and what was transmitted, that there are many things that are decadent and thank God we have evolved a lot. But I am also in favor of the fact that extremes are not good and that before, people would get together to watch a program. So, for quite some time I have been trying to train myself to be an artist like the ones before, like the ones who knew how to dance, sing, act. I see her Rita Hayworth and I say “this is amazing”, and I think it is a very important guide. Wanna enhance the voice of my roots, my town and my city of La Plata so that they see that you do not need to be a porteña with a lot of money, with all the money to become aesthetically pleasing, but consciously natural beauty, humility, because for me this is very important. That in such a disputed contest there is sorority among women and understand that competition is not wishing that the other will do worse for me to win, but that the competition is with myself to be able to empower myself and be better every day.

—How did you get to the contest? And how does it take you to be part of this contest?

—It was something incredible, I have been working in the world of traditional fashion relatively recently. I felt like I had nothing to give. Yes, I was very charismatic, I had a lot of attitude, I’ve always studied singing, I’ve always been in the realm of acting, but I never thought of taking it to the big schools. I had recently started a modeling course, my family always encouraged me to do it. The casting came about because I saw a casting on Instagram, I wrote to them and they let me know one Wednesday if I could go to the casting in person, it was the first one they did. On Thursday they let me know that I’m staying, please go. As I could, I managed. I study in Buenos Aires, but I don’t get around much in the capital, so it was like a challenge. I ended up going to the casting in Villa Crespo, near the Chacarita Cemetery.

—How was the casting? Did you dream of participating when you were little?

—The truth is that it was a very nice experience, because it is a beauty pageant that I had very canceled, I did not like everything that is Miss Universe, Miss Argentina at all. The preliminary stages, which is where I am now, we had it canceled because I saw that women always had the same role. Always very hegemonic and there was no behind it, so I sort of took it with a grain of salt and at the casting I found a look that is what I am trying to communicate. A look of integral beauty in which a woman, in addition to enhancing her external beauty, has the ability to know how to communicate, to be interested in problems of a sociocultural nature, to know how to really behave because one is being the visible face of a country . The proposal that they give me, in addition to the photos, are many questions. I was happy because I love to talk and I had never been asked questions like that in a casting, it was always “walk here, walk there, how tall are you?”, and that’s it. So I was in my element.

—What stage are you in and how is your career in the competition?

—I received the email where they told me that he had met ten more girls in the first stage, that he had entered the competition to be a representative of Miss CABA. Miss Argentina has previous stages that are the provincial ones. A girl from each province is chosen, then these girls compete among themselves to see who is the representative of Argentina and then the Argentine representative goes to compete in the world for the Miss Universe crown. Now, throughout the month of May, I have the preparation. At the beginning of June is the final that will be held in Buenos Aires and there the candidate for Miss CABA will be chosen. There the representative is chosen and then I can’t say anything obviously because it’s all very confidential. Everything comes from being a Miss Argentina. You start to prepare, to travel around the country, you also start to see what you want to do.

—What do you want to contribute to the contest from your participation?

—I really want to give talks in different towns. I would love to go to Córdobafor example, that I always I usually go and it inspires me a lot to see the girls who are with a stick playing hockey, like some girls with a super pricked and patched ball are trying to be the best player. So, that is like the message that I want to transmit, I am lucky to be living in the Federal Capital, but also to show that a Lucha Aimar, a great soccer player, one of the best actresses, a great woman can come from there without having to be someone publicly relevant, so that is like one of the principles that I have to communicate.

Why do you choose to make yourself known?

It seemed very interesting to me to find support from the media, at least from here in La Plata. It is the most accessible for the little knowledge that people have about me, for now. make me know and really say why i want to win this contest. Not to put on good makeup, do my hair, learn to say hello like plastering on the wall and say “I’m Miss Argentina, everything is very nice, I overcame my problems and I’m here as a winner”, but because I really have many things to communicate. I want to be a spokesperson for many things that today there are kids who don’t dare to say. I have experienced a lot of bullying during my childhood, this for me is proof of life. I had a very big overcoming. As in many topics that are very important in relevance really. But not only bullying but also inclusion, the family, much part of the family itself as well. How we raise our children at home, camaraderie, the importance of being aware of what children need, a psychologist, whatever. So, it’s like delegating some standards, which are too imposed and are not variable at all.


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