This Owl begins to reflect on the serious crisis that the country is experiencing. What changed from December 7, 2022, when the Congress emptied the coup leader Pedro Castillo, for which reason the presidential sash was placed on his legitimate successor, the vice president from Apurima? It is false that the ‘right’ Congress gave a blow to the Chotano, as the castillistas make an inflamed and uninformed mass believe. Castillo launched the coup at noon thinking that in the afternoon they were going to vacate him due to the explosive statements on corruption that he was making. Salatiel Marrufo about the serious corruption of the man, who said that he did not have ‘long nails’.

LOOK: The taking of Lima

The 101 votes for the vacancy included parliamentarians from the left like Sigrid Bazán, the ‘purple’ ones like Susel Paredes and those from the radical left like Peru Libre de Vladimir Cerrón. No one at that time yelled Dina traitor! The interests in support were diverse. Those of Peru Libre, who had expelled Dina from the party, because they did not want to lose her parliamentary seat if the coup succeeded. And the people of the ‘soft’ left, from the cafetín, for the same reason, with the additional fact that they were sure that Boluarte was going to convene them in the new cabinet and thus they were going to preserve their share of power in ministries and other state entities.

These two groups irresponsibly, seeing that the first cabinet made up of technocrats was not going to give them a share of power, declared war on it. There came the riots in Ayacucho and Andahuaylas in December and those of January in Puno with the tragic loss of human life. But the first thing we need to be clear about is that Dina didn’t set the prairie on fire. Her ‘sin’ was to legally succeed Pedro, when he previously said that he would leave if he was vacated. The extremist groups incubated during the government of the Chotano began their coup as in Ayacucho, commanded by ‘comrade Cusi’. What could we expect from senderistas who were never rehabilitated because in the prisons their pavilions functioned as schools of terrorism. Now they arrive, as they have called, to ‘take Lima’. This Owl will have been born at night, but he was not born last night. I am surprised that no one investigates or asks who pays the thousands and thousands of soles for tickets, food and lodging for travelers. This is not ‘spontaneous’.

It is evident that there is a sector of the population that identifies with Castillo

But behind them there is a sinister strategy of the radical left linked to Sendero. The financiers are the cocaleros linked to drug trafficking and the illegal miners who were protected by the Castillo government. They are very violent people. One would have to wonder what is going to happen today? On the one hand, Boluarte calls them to ‘dialogue’ and invites them to the Palace. An illusion. Radicals do not believe in ‘dialogue’.

On the other hand, those who have arrived in Lima have several objectives. Dina’s resignation is not the only one. They also seek to impose a Constituent Assembly, the closure of Congress and the freedom of Castillo. Neither is acceptable. Surely no one is going to show their faces if today, God willing, these protests get out of control and the radical infiltrators attack the Police and there are victims to lament. Will Indira and Sigrid take responsibility for what happens on this day because of what they call ‘legitimate protest’? The most suspicious thing is that none of those behind the violence show their faces. They have only been seen urging and yelling that dying doesn’t matter! With these delirious proclamations they lead fifteen-year-olds to risk their lives violently confronting the forces of order. It is not the first nor the only riot where it is intended to overthrow a democratic president in Latin America. Democracy would not work if all the presidents resign due to violent demonstrations that lead to fire, looting and destruction.

That Congress is a shame, I agree, but how are they going to leave if parliamentarians have to ensure the transition. The unfair situation in the Andes comes from many years and Boluarte has not even been in power for two months. Who said anything when eight Peruvians died in protests during the professor’s government? The hypocrisy and double standards of the left is amazing. The comrades did not say a peep during the government of corruption. Nor have I heard any of these politicians call for the marches to be peaceful. Nothing. They don’t know what can happen because, I confirm, those who have organized this ‘takeover’ have other plans far removed from peaceful protest. Nobody is going to take responsibility, except those who brought them to Lima. The Police will have to do a very fine job because what the radicals, who are behind those who march out of discontent, are looking for is to generate chaos, violence and deaths. I turn off the TV.



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