during the Mobile World Congress from Barcelona, ​​GSMA and ETNO have been organized, with the collaboration of a large group of operators and technological equipment an event but riflettere sugli ultimi sviluppi tecnologici e normativi che riguardano l’utilizzo delle bande di frequenze più ambite, ossia i 6 GHz e l’UHF.

The event has involved political responsibilities, and representatives of the industry and of the academic world of all the regions of the world and has represented an occasion of confrontation and discussion important, in view of the World Radio Conference that will land in Dubai between November and December.

In this crucial appuntamento, infatti, Yes, we will unite in the political vertici di tutto il mondo To understand fundamental strategic decisions, which influence the sviluppo delle reti 5G and of the future 6G, at the end of the decade.

the necessary band

The dibattito has involved telecomunications experts, which we have not discussed The need to have additional tools to support the digital transition through the evolution of 5G and the introduction of 6G.

In particular, yes Discussion of the single wheel of the band above 6 GHz (6425 – 7125 MHz) due to the reduced demand, and the environmental impact that Sarebbe caused by the densification of the network necessary to support the expected capacity demand in the band above 6 GHz.

I relatori have explored the fattibilità of it Cohesion of macrocellular implementations with and satellite resources of the fisso satellite service; In addition, it shows a series of field tests in various countries from EMEA and Asia Pacific that have begun to quantify the raggiungibili performance in the band above 6 GHz in terms of coverage and capacity.

I fornitori di apparecchiature di rete e chipset hanno sottolineato l’importanza che avrebbe l’assegnazione IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications) ala next WRC 23 per il consolidation of the ecosystem and have fornito rassicurazioni sul degree of technological preparation.

In general, all and partecipanti have no I show interest in a “balanced approccio” The 6 GHz band in which the lower portion will be used by Wi-Fi and RLAN, while the upper portion will be used by telecommunications.

6 GHZ MWC Conference

Smoked positions

For how much it protects the position of the diverse regional groupsEurope has made a commitment in which it accepts the IMT identification to WRC-23, without but sustaining it actively.

I countries of the Middle East, of Africa and of Central Asia have not all chiarito that I saw is a cautious optimism sul fatto that I will support the part of all and ITU-R groups in EMEA the conditions that i serve incumbent of international nature under guardianship.

Latin America has seen indefinitely that the dibattito in the region is open and diverse Paesi aspiretanno di vedere what position will emerge from the conference in Dubai. The official positions of the regional groups Saranno communicated finalized in September.

The general auspices emerso dall’incontro è que che i decisori politici An agreement was reached for the joint venture of the telecomunicazioni; The evolution of 5G and the next generation of mobile communications are necessary, infatti, with more space to guarantee the performance and scalability necessary to support the growing connectivity needs.


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