The trial against Dani Alves already has a date

The final trial against Dani Alves already has a date. The Brazilian soccer player, accused of raping a 23-year-old girl in a nightclub, sit on the bench of the Barcelona Court in February 2024, as Mayka Navarro has exclusively announced. The journalist points out that the Barcelona Court has reserved two weeks in February for the trial to take place.

The hearing may be suspended in the event that there is an agreement of conformity between both parties. The victim’s lawyer says that there is no agreement on the sentence that Dani Alves should serve and adds that in this type of sexual crimes there is no financial compensation to compensate for personal damages, she adds.

Navarro says that Alves’ idea was to reach an agreement with the victim, but his lawyer maintains that he will not accept a sentence of less than four years. We know that the Prosecutor’s request is nine years in prison, plus another ten years of surveillance and a restraining order for several years. Alves wanted to reach an agreement for three years, but Ester García does not accept less than four years.

Remain in prison until trial

Two weeks after learning that he was going to trial for a crime of sexual assault, The accused witnessed again the frustrated attempt of his defense to get him out of prison. The Barcelona Court rejected for the third time the provisional release of the footballer, who has been behind bars since last January 20. The defense of the accused argued that Three months have passed since the previous resolution was issued denying freedom and that, furthermore, pay the amount of 150,000 euros for delivery to the victim, which would entail the application of the mitigating mitigation of damage repair as highly qualified.

The Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution opposed this measure after arguing that the Brazilian went to prison to prevent escape. A danger that has not changed circumstances or the passage of time has reduced this risk.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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