After a long investigation with around 300 interviews, twelve days of negotiations are now expected in the Gothenburg District Court. Several witnesses are called, including relatives of the deceased woman and her boyfriend.

SVT’s reporter is on site inside the courtroom and describes the two brothers as calm and almost unaffected when the prosecutor read out his description of the crime. But when the prosecutor in his presentation of the case pointed out that it was a matter of honor, he shook his head.

– One sits with his head down and the other looks almost unaffected, says SVT’s reporter Magnus Dennert.

Denies crime

The younger brother denies crime while the older one denies murder, attempted murder and honor motive, but makes some concessions.

A further four relatives are also on trial, including for aggravated protection of a criminal and illegal threats. They also deny any crime.

Honorable motive according to the prosecutor

The prosecutor, Hediye Kurt, raised in his statement that there is a motive of honor behind the murder.

– The whole family is involved in this conflict, she claimed during the trial.

Part of her statement was then about describing the Romani culture that she claims the family is a part of and the phenomenon of the Romani crisis; a type of Romani trial. Among other things, she showed a nine-minute long film of such a type of negotiation that the family had previously, according to her.

See SVT’s reporter from the trial in the clip above.


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