Beatriz Palomar

For the third time in four months, Donald Trump has been brought to justice. and for the third time has pleaded not guilty. The former president of the United States has appeared before the judge Chutkan asked in the Washington District Court where He has heard the four charges of which he is accused for attempting to reverse the result of the November 2020 election: Conspiracy to Defraud the US Government, Obstructing Legal Proceedings, Witness Tampering, and Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights.

This is the most serious accusation against Trump, but according to experts, it is also the most difficult to prove. whatIt will affect his presidential aspirations? The Republican candidate, for the moment, his legal problems do not take their toll, quite the contrary.

A recent newspaper poll The New York Times reflects that trump would be 37 points ahead of his main rival in the Republican primaries, Ron DeSantis. An advantage that was only two points in mid-February. In these months, the star of Governor DeSantis has faded while support for Trump has increased. so much so that a hypothetical battle between President Biden and Trump in the 2024 presidential elections it would be very close, according to the same poll by the American newspaper.

The message that penetrates among his followers

At the moment, the strategy of the Republican in the campaign is accept investigations as proof of political persecution, of a conspiracy of the Biden Administration to avoid his re-election in 2024. A message that permeates his followers. Trump introduces himself as a martyr to a corrupt system and on numerous occasions he has reiterated that he is the victim of “a witch hunt”.

If the communists get away with this, they won’t stop with me. They will not hesitate to increase their persecution of Christians, pro-life activists, parents who attend school board meetings, and even future Republican candidates.” defended Trump, 77, a couple of months ago after being charged in the case of the more than 300 classified documents that he took from the White House to his mansion in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, when he left the country’s presidency.

A candidate outsider against everything

“Obviously, this is all a blatant attempt to remove Mr. Trump from the presidential race,” he said. Room Suns, 61, and a Trump supporter. He The bond created between Trump and his supporters is hard to break. “They see the world through his eyes. His bases believe that he has been wronged and that the accusations are politically motivated,” he says. Clifford Young from Ipsos, the world leader in market research to the BBC. A link that would be equivalent to 40%-45% of the Republican electorate.

In the 2016 elections that brought him to the White House, Trump emerged as a candidate outsider, outside the system, against the establishment (the ruling class) and the traditional media. the tycoon knew how to capitalize on that discontent and his supporters acclaimed him, even though in his speeches he denigrated women, migrants or the disabled.

Trump for the moment remains the great favorite among the Republicans and the candidate who raises the most money. His fundraising committee joined more than 54 million dollars in the first half of the year seven million only in the first week after learning of the first accusation against the tycoon Of course, his legal problems are emptying the coffers.

Donald Trump gives his first interview after being impeached

Donald Trump gives his first interview after being impeached.

Three trials for tax crimes

The former president will face three trials for federal crimes next year, something unprecedented for a president or former president of the United States. The only one that already has a date set is the case of black payments to the porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom she had an extramarital relationship. It will begin on March 25, 2024. To these accusations a fourth could be added for the Georgia investigation into the attempt to reverse the results elections of the 2020 presidential elections in that state. It also has several open fronts for political, economic and sexual crimes.

Yes Trump ands found guilty, and even imprisoned, could be re-elected in the elections presidential elections of 2024. The Constitution does not provide otherwise. The only possibility for halting his run for the White House is to be convicted of inciting rebellion, according to amendment 14 of the Magna Carta of the country, but experts say that it is unlikely.

In fact, it would not be the first electoral campaign with a candidate in prison. In 1920 the candidate for the White House, the socialist Eugene Debsappeared to the elections and got nearly a million votes while in jail in Atlanta after being convicted of sedition in 1918 for protesting US involvement in the First World War.


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