The Turkish Phoenix, after hyperinflation and new actors

The Turkish national attends without apprehension of the presidential elections of 14 maggio prossimo, a feud against the “Sultano” Erdogan, the potere ormai da vent’anni, ed il contender Kilicdaroglu exponente di un eterogeneo cartello electorale, conosciuto in gergo como il “Tavolo” dei sei”, ma officially denominated Alleanza nationale.

this alleanza, di natura purely electorale, is expression of a political window that includes the CHP, the Partito Populare Repubblcano di Kilicdaroglu; e il HDP, partito filocurdo; the support of the political movements of the Europeanist, socialist and Kemalist tendencies. One of the interrogatives that the Turkish public opinion puts the tenuta di gobernment in order, in the case of a statement of this multiform compagine.

Infatti, be fine with any month of the rielezione di erdoğan veniva data per scontata, alcuni fattori stanno now mettendo in serious discussion the sua victoria elettorale: il primo riguarda le socioeconomic rippercussion follow the devastating earthquake that has struck the country in february scorso; The second has defeated the fare with the inflating spiral that is met with a hard test of the tenuta dell’turkish economy.

Inflation and Gepolitical Attributes

The Turkish Statistical Institute has reported that The inflation has reached the maximum of 25 years of 85.5% nell’imminenza delle elezioni. Il tasso reale è probabilmente ancora più alto. The bank of affairs USA estimates that the Turkish annual inflation is in real at 176%. Erdogan is the main person responsible for the inflation crisis. In 2021, Turkey has undergone a cycle of reduction of the front tassi all’impennata dell’inflation, supporting the traditional monetary policy and meeting a global trend towards the increase in the cost of financing. The Turkish central bank has tagged its rate of referral of 500 base points in 2021 and poi di nuovo in 2022, according to the richest of the tags of the tassi from Erdogan. In addition to the impennata of the energy and food prices caused by the invasion of the Ukraine from part of Russia in February 2022, the inflation in Turkey has contributed to lowering the economy in crisis.

The Turkish Phoenix, after hyperinflation and new geopolitical actors

The geopolitical and geoeconomic implications of an eventual changing of the guard under the guidance of the Turkish Republic will not be other than the national horizon of Ankara politics. Le tendenze neo-kemaliste e pro-europeiste, nonché filoatlantiche, del Tavolo dei sei preluderebbero, in case of affirmation electorale, ad un riavvicinamento nei confronti degli USA nei teatri ukraino e syriano, relearning the partita relative all’acquisto dei caccia F35 USA.

In the Ukraine, if you can help yourself to an attenuation of the ambiguous policy of cooperative competition with the Russia of Vladimir Putin, its cui if sono finora fondate the russian-turkish relationship, as well as the turkish energy dependence of the fly and the current nuclear cooperation Impedebbero communicated to Ankara di imboccare a political line aptly hostile to the Russian Federation.

In the Syrian theater, once, if Andrebbe saw an alleviation of tensions on the border between two countries where I currently saw sono scontri tra l’turkish army and he milizie curde che, sul lato siriano sono tutt’ora appoggiate dagli Stati uniti. I saw but it aggiungere that the Kurdish question is more broad than that relative to the only border between Turkey and Syria but, as I note if it ends in the north of Iraq and finally arrives in the Iranian Islamic Republic.

political mat

Vi sarà pertanto da capire se l’eventuale new turkish leader ricorrerà alla vecchia erdoganiana politics, da tempo abandoned, detta “zero problem with i vicini”, oppure will continue with the current position of Erdogan che mescola profondità strategica, along the land lines in the direction of the post-Soviet Turkish areas, with the maritime doctrine of the “Patria blue”, which pursues the territorialization of the sea by the exclusive economic Zone.

Properly in the Mediterranean, infatti, passano le linee di politica mat più delicate per Ankara che si move secondo a binary doppio: continuing ad esercitare strategie di potenza sia nei confronti dello Stato arcipelago greco, rivale storico nell’Egeo, che nel fondamentale libico theater. Ma, nel contempo, cultivating tattiche di avvicinamento e disgelo nei confronti dell’Egitto e di Israele, per ragioni at the moment eminently of energetic character. Nel Mediterraneo orientale da alcuni anni sono, infatti, operativi degli huge giacimenti di gas sottomarino (as ad esempio il Leviathan) che stanno transformando esta spazio marittimo in un strategic zone from the geoeconomic point of view.

This brief space, which supports a very wide geopolitical scenario, is only an example of how much potrebbe will affect an eventual change of the guard in the palace of the potere of Ankara; But in deep Turkey, Erdogan still has broad consensus and will not be easy to liberate from the world for his political antagonists, I agree “il Sultano” già dato numerous prove, in past, di risorgere dalle proprie ceneri, come la legendary fenice, non araba, ma molto Ottomana.

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