
He U.S. government registered a considerably high number of immigrants on its southwest border in the month of February, which could be considered a record when compared to the same period in previous years.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) revealed that during that month 189,922 immigrant encounters were recorded, one of the highest figures reported for the month of February in recent years.


In detail, the United States Border Patrol had 140,644 encounters between ports of entry along the border with Mexico.

Additionally, more than 42,100 people who had scheduled their appointments through the CBP One application were processed, representing 86% of the total non-citizens processed at ports of entry.

CBP highlights that these numbers reflect ongoing work to respond to changing immigration patterns, combat human trafficking, and enforce immigration law.

They claim that the US borders are not open to persons who do not have a legal basis to enter the country, and those who attempt to do so irregularly are subject to removal under Title 8 authorities.

The Border Patrol has reinforced its efforts to assist and rescue individuals in danger in the region. In February alone, 434 rescues were made, bringing the annual total to 2,048, making this the month with the most rescues since October of fiscal year 2024.

DHS encourages migrants to use legal and safe routes to enter the country. In this sense, the application CBP One plays a fundamental role.

This tool allows non-citizens, especially from Mexico and other Central American countries, schedule your appointments to present themselves at ports of entry, helping to avoid risky situations and abuse by traffickers.

From January 2023 to the end of February 2024, more than 501,000 people scheduled appointments through CBP One, avoiding the danger that comes with irregular crossings. Among the nationalities with the most prosecutions are Haitians, Mexicans, Venezuelans and Cubans.

Between May 2023 and February 2024, DHS has expelled or returned more than 593,000 peoplemost during southwest border crossings, which exceeds removal and return totals for full fiscal years since 2012.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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