The US and European Parliament condition support for elections on Machado's authorization

The US government established a position regarding the presidential elections in Venezuelain which according to the words of the senior director of the National Security Council, Juan González, the priority is that the process is carried out without setbacks.

“We care about the process, not the candidate”said González, in a brief statement published on the X account of the US Embassy in Venezuela.

However, the US reiterated in the text its position regarding the participation of the opposition in the elections, according to which the elections must be inclusive.

“Our position has been clear: for us, the opposition must be able to select its candidates. We have insisted that all candidates should be eligible to compete for office,” added González, who concluded by saying that “Clearly, the opposition candidate is María Corina Machado.”

The US government has repeatedly expressed its support for Machado and to the Venezuelan opposition, so that they can participate in the presidential elections on equal terms.

White House officials have reacted when the Nicolás Maduro regime has promoted and carried out intimidating actions and attacks against opposition leaders, especially Machado.

“Deeply concerned by recent actions against the opposition and civil society in Venezuela based on unfounded accusations. We continue to push for a more open political environment, competitive presidential elections and due process,” Undersecretary of State Brian A. Nichols said in January , regarding the complaints from Machado’s party, Vente Venezuela, about the persecution of members of that political organization.

This week, Machado declared that the US has not asked him to reconsider his candidacy so far and rejected the idea that she be replaced by another candidate in the ranks of the opposition, given the political disqualification that was imposed on her by the regime in June 2023 and that was ratified 15 days ago by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), controlled by Chavismo.

“Totally not, quite the opposite. When you read the agreements in Barbados and the October 6 statement from Secretary (Antony) Blinken, very firm terms are established, in which they say that the candidates chosen by the citizens must participate. “The substitute candidate is a plan for those who do not want change.”Machado said in a live on Instagram with the Venezuelan journalist, Carla Angola.

Machado assured in his statements that he will respond to the mandate given to him by the voters who voted for his option in the opposition primaries last October.

“The people who went and voted for me did so very aware that the government was planning this ruse – of disqualification – (…) Do you think that people are going to find a substitute? I received a mandate and I have to respond to that mandate. I think every time people hear that it makes them very angry,” she said.

The opponent dismissed the idea that the option of electing a candidate to replace her would give good results and considered that those who promote this idea seek to “demoralize” the opponents.

“Whoever falls into this plays into the hands of the regime and there are those who seek to demoralize and replicate what the regime says in its narrative (…) Barinas served to demonstrate that the thesis of substitutes or ‘successors’ ends in the hand-picking of the candidate’s regime.

European Parliament resolution

For his part, the European Parliament issued a resolution in which supported the negotiations in Barbados and established a position regarding the Machado candidacywithout whose participation, fair elections would not take place.

The resolution “underlines that the elections or the electoral results will not be recognized” if certain conditions such as Machado’s participation are not respected.

The text of the resolution also maintained that the EU “should not consider sending any electoral observation mission to Venezuela” if certain conditions are not met.

“This refusal to consider sending an electoral observation mission must be maintained.”until María Corina Machado is allowed to participate in the elections.”

The document “strongly condemns the attempts to disqualify the presidential candidate of the democratic opposition to the regime, María Corina Machado.”

Bipartisan support in Congress

This Wednesday, the US Congressional Foreign Affairs Committeea bipartisan body, expressed its support for Machado in a session in which the Venezuelan opposition leader participated via telematics.

“We are neither Republicans nor Democrats when it comes to the Venezuelan search for freedom,” said Senator María Elvira Salazar, who ruled out the possibility that there is a “plan B” to choose a replacement for Machado in case of that the regime definitely does not allow him to compete in the presidential elections

For his part, Senator Joaquín Castro thanked Machado for fighting for democracy; while Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart insisted that politics is the leader of Venezuelans and not only of the opposition. “You are the future of democracy and freedom in Venezuela, and Venezuela is going to be free,” he said.

In his speech at the session, Machado affirmed that Venezuelans have in the presidential elections “a real opportunity to achieve a peaceful transition in Venezuela.”

“The regime is in the weakest position in its history and we (the opposition forces) are stronger than ever. The time is now,” said Machado, who won the opposition primaries last October with 92% of the votes. suffrages.

Machado insisted that it is in Maduro’s interest to respect the Barbados Agreement, signed by representatives of the regime and the opposition, and to be part of a negotiation that leads to free, competitive and transparent elections.

“If Maduro disrespects the electoral results, he must know that he will be isolated. Therefore, it is in his best interest to remain in the Barbados Agreement and for this transition to be carried out peacefully; it will not be easy. This is the most difficult moment “The most dangerous moment we have ever gone through, but believe me, we are committed to going to the end,” he said.


Source: EDITORIAL / With information from

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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