The US, Guatemala and Mexico agree to coordinate against migration

WASHINGTON.- In a joint effort to address the complex situation of the migrationthe United States, Guatemala and Mexico agreed to establish concrete measures during a historic meeting in Washington.

Guatemala announced the organization of a regional summit on migration in April, where crucial issues such as supporting marginalized communities and improving border security will be addressed.

With irregular migration in the spotlight, especially ahead of the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, the critical importance of the issue for President Biden was highlighted. It seeks to address the structural causes of the migration phenomenon and explore regular avenues of labor mobility, as well as strengthen security and the exchange of information at the borders.

The trilateral collaboration also focuses on promoting investments for the development of infrastructure and improving access to basic services such as health, education and housing in Guatemala. The importance of promoting economic productivity and creating jobs in the region to reduce migratory pressure is highlighted.

In terms of security, the need for dignified and humanitarian containment at the borders is highlighted, with the creation of an operational working group to coordinate actions between the police of the three countries. It was agreed to address these issues again in April, this time with the participation of other neighboring countries.

The importance of working together, recognizing the interdependence of the countries of origin, transit and destination in the migration phenomenon, was emphasized by the leaders present. It is expected that these actions will contribute to more effective and humane management of the migration crisis in the region.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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