The US sanctions more than 300 companies and individuals linked to Russia

This Wednesday, the United States Government sanctioned more than 300 companies e individuals linked to Russiaboth inside the country and abroad, whom he has accused of offering services and contributing to Moscow’s “war effort.”

He Treasury Department said in a statement that the country is taking “radical” new measures guided by “G7 commitments to intensify pressure on Russia for its continued cruel and unprovoked war against Ukraine.”

“Today’s actions increase the risk of secondary sanctions for foreign financial institutions that deal with Russia’s war economy,” states the text, which points out that the objective is “to restrict the capacity of the Russian military-industrial base “.

Thus, he pointed out that these entities and individuals are found in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Central Asia and the Caribbean. All of them have been accused of contributing products and services so that Russia can “evade sanctions.”

The danger of Russian companies

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that “Russia’s war economy is deeply isolated from the international financial system, leaving the Kremlin’s military desperate for access to the outside world”.

“Today’s actions attack their remaining avenues to obtain international materials and equipment, including their dependence on critical supplies from third countries,” he explained.

“We are increasing the risk for the financial institutions that deal with Russia’s war economy and eliminating avenues for evasion,” he stressed before pointing out that, to do so, we have also proceeded to reduce Russia’s ability to benefit from access to foreign technology, equipment, software and technology services.

“Every day, Russia continues to mortgage its future to sustain its unjust war against Ukraine,” he added. “Every day, Russia continues to mortgage its future to sustain its unjust war against Ukraine,” he added.

That is why the Treasury points to the “architecture of Russia’s financial system, which has been reoriented to facilitate investment in its defense industry and the acquisition of goods necessary to promote its aggression against Ukraine.”

The document highlights that among those sanctioned are at least a hundred entities and individuals allegedly involved in the development of Russia’s energy, metals and mining production and export capacity.

For his part, the Department of State He stressed the importance of introducing these measures and defended that the Government “will continue to use all the tools at its disposal to block support for the Russian military industry and cut its ability to exploit the international financial system in its attempt to advance its war against Ukraine.” “.

“We continue to show all our solidarity with Ukrainians, who defend their homeland from Russian aggression, as well as with Russians who seek a more democratic future for their country,” said State Department spokesman Matthew Miller.

Russia threatens to respond to sanctions

The Russian authorities were quick to reject the new US sanctions and pointed out that these “will not go unanswered,” according to Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zajarova.

“As always in these cases, Russia will not leave these aggressive actions unanswered,” he said in relation to the restrictions, which mainly affect the Rusgazdobycha gas company, the Artic LNG1 and Artic LNG3 liquefied gas terminals, and the Moscow Stock Exchange. among other.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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