The world is home to 260 species of monkeys and their size varies

MIAMI.- The World Day of Mono It is celebrated on December 14. The date began to be recorded since 2003. One of the versions that is gaining the most strength is that the anniversary began at the University of Michigan in the United States, when a group of students turned the day into cultural and thematic activities about the monkey.

National Geograhipc highlights that monkeysThey are primate mammals of which 260 are known species different. Primates have 13 families: the first primates adapted to the life of forests where they developed many of the characteristics that are known today, including dexterous hands.

The size of the monkeys varies, but they do have eyes located on the front of their faces and opposable thumbs on their hands that allow them to easily climb trees. Due to the constitution of their hands, they are considered capable of using some tools to carry out activities in their daily lives.

Additionally, the sociable behavior of children can turn violent when they feel intimidated. The largest monkey is the baboon and the smallest is the one known as the pygmy marmoset.

Organized monkeys

In addition to their sociability, monkeys They organize themselves based on hierarchies and are capable of providing each other with affection, companionship, and attention in ways that evoke humans.

Stable groups are considered to be managed with strong relationships around a male or a group of males who is the leader. For their part, females usually remain in the group in which they were born throughout their lives.

In November this year it was reported that a group of Chinese scientists created a chimera monkey with two sets of DNA. They consider that this experimental work could benefit medical research, as well as the conservation of species in danger of extinction.

After presenting respiratory complications and hypothermia, this monkey was euthanized: the researchers argued that despite its short life, the monkey served to “establish new starting points to optimize genetic engineering methods.”


Source: National Geographic / International Day Portal / Humanities Encyclopedia

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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