Theater, an art that unites people and brings peace

MIAMI. – World Day theater It is celebrated on March 27. Theater represents one of the oldest forms of art in humanity and is based on the representation of stories in front of the public.

The word theater is derived from the Greek Theatrn meaning “place to contemplate.” This is the branch of performing arts related to acting. The stagings, known as plays, combine aspects such as speech, gestures, scenery and music.

The Encyclopedia of Humanities points out that the term theater also refers to a dramatic genre: Classical antiquity witnessed the beginning of theater in the West and its incorporation into the imagination of the Roman Empire, after the absorption of Hellenic culture by the Latins.

The initiative for this event arose from the International Theater Institute of the UNESCO to make known the meaning of this until An important fact is that, since 1954, the season began on March 27 at the Theater of Nations in Paris (France).

The power of theater

For this year 2024, the message of World Theater Day is sent by the Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse, Nobel Prize in Literature 2023. In that sense, he points out that “war and art are opposites, that war and peace are opposites. He until It’s peace.”

El actor francs Jean Louis Barrault deca que The essential power of theater is to put aside everything that separates men: differences of race, of religious or political education, differences of language; Instead, it highlights everything that men have in common: laughter and tears, joy and sadness, happiness and anguish, in a word, what is the domain of the heart. “Theatre makes the common heart of all men appear, in this it is the most effective vehicle of peace.”


FUENTE: UNESCO / Encyclopedia of humanities / Portal Da Internacional

Tarun Kumar

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