Jujuy Governor Gerardo Morales has a heart of sugar. Not because he is sweet and sensitive, but because he loves the Blaquier group, the Ledesma Sugar Mill. He is the president of radicalism and as such he leads the historical party reduced to living and acting on its knees to the PRO. The degradation of the party is so deep that he can remain anesthetized before the hosts of Mauricio Macri who slap his most memorable historical milestones. (In) Morales took office and immediately the supreme court was enlarged and occupied by well-known radical militants until now. And he quickly imprisoned Milagro Sala, initially with banal arguments. And leaving aside the accumulation of accusations and prosecutions, it is convenient to dwell on the destruction of the immense work of the mentor of Túpac Amaru: the gigantic abandoned swimming pools, the paralyzed productive enterprises, many of the houses in a state of neglect. Gorilla hatred is historical and is repeated systematically. Remember what happened after the completion of the Fusiladora Revolution where all the construction works of Peronism were abandoned. The pulmomotors were destroyed because they bore the inscription “Fundación Eva Perón” and were missing in the poliomyelitis epidemic of 1956. Likewise the “White Elephant”, a semi-abandoned twelve-story building located in Hidden Cityfrom the neighborhood of Villa Lugano on the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires he had a similar fate. It was projected to be the largest hospital in Latin America, specializing in the treatment of tuberculosis. But after the 1955 military coup it ended up abandoned. It was completely demolished, manually, in October 2018. In 1951, the government of Juan Domingo Peron, decided to build what at that time he imagined would be the most important children’s hospital in Latin America and one of the most complete in the world, capable of accommodating thousands of patients. I know expropriated a property of 19 hain front of Alvear Hospital, belonging to the Etchevarne family and construction work began soon. The original project had four multi-story buildings (nine had the two that were completed), with large rooms, decorated by specialists in child psychology. After the Peronist government was overthrown in 1955, the works were paralyzed with approximately one year to go.no for completion. The place was abandoned and slowly occupied by families who identified it as the “Albergue Warnes”. It was demolished in March 1991.

Just a few of the many outrages and atrocities that they didLos Libertadores”, “Los Republicanos”, throughout the country, capable of bombing their own people with the complicity of many of the radicals. Currently (2017) there are two photographers (Silvana Lanchez and Laura González Vidal) in Papage 12 who testified before and after Milagro’s arrest: “When I went to Palpalá, for example, the neighbors proudly showed me that they had managed to hide the scale to weigh babies from Morales’s rampage. And when we see Silvana’s file, we realize that she had a photo of a doctor weighing a baby. It’s the same scale!, recalled González Vidal. The photos of the hammocks are also tremendous. She stood in front of a gleaming hammock, with kids playing, and I stood in front of the same hammock, destroyed and empty.” More recently, a very critical outlet for Milagro, such as the newspaper La Nación, published a note on August 18, 2022 that, among other things, says: “The neighborhood that was the emblem of the splendor of the power of Milagro Sala shows very little movement for a Wednesday afternoon. The social housing that Tupac Amaru built shows signs of abandonment. The replica of the Kalasasaya temple, which acts as a welcome to the neighborhood, synthesizes abandonment, with its vandalized statues, all kinds of graffiti, overgrown weeds and walls turned into rubble… “Summering with Tupac”, is still read on the walls of the pool complex at the entrance of the neighborhood. The place is known as “Pileta Water Park” and, in the early hours of the afternoon, its only movement postcard is a woman nicknamed “La Peque”, who performs cleaning tasks.”

Death does not embellish a life as Borges said, but it always deserves respect. Detained for 7 years, subject to all kinds of humiliation, Milagro’s 37-year-old son has just died. The President of the Nation had to intervene to allow the wake of her son to be held at his home-prison. Morales mounted a gigantic security operation that included the intimate ceremony of the wake, to the point that two plainclothes policewomen were very close, plus two male policemen. The procession was a display of troops armed with itakas. In the cemetery, the entry of people who wanted to accompany the mother was limited.

There is no Miracle. The hatred towards the black that dignified many poor people is a crime against humanity. It must be punished, subdued and set as an example for all those who challenge the Blaquier family and their empire. To carry out their orders are the Gerardo Morales.

Carlos Pedro Blaquier, one of the richest businessmen, is officially prosecuted and awaiting an oral trial that may never come, for the kidnappings and disappearances that occurred in 1976 in Jujuy in what became known as “The night of the blackout”, for having provided the trucks with which they were transported those kidnapped to Clandestine Detention Centers. Of course, he does not suffer the humiliations to which he submits to Miracle, making true what the Greek philosopher Protagoras affirmed, 400 years before Christ: “Justice is what the rich man says it is.”

Assuming that all the accusations against Sala were true, the bombing of his works clearly demonstrates that justice is not what the Morales are after. The years go by, the decades go by and there is no miracle. The (In) Morales hate everything that smacks of popular. As always, as is historical, when circumstances permit they bomb, clandestinely shoot, sow the country with concentration camps and when it is not possible they use the judiciary as the army of their interests. They have no mercy. There is no Miracle. Because hate does not change sign. That Miracle is not possible. Because in Argentine history Lavalle never stops shooting Dorrego. But despite everything, trying to lead her to death, Milagro resists, seeking a radiant day of justice.


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