If we know Netflix above all for its series, the platform is gradually trying to offer us films of quality worthy of cinema. The Power of the Dog, Annihilation, Roma, Okja, Klaus… The examples are numerous and you can imagine that the platform is not going to stop there. Here are 10 Netflix movies coming in 2023, for our viewing pleasure.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley

The Beverly Hills Cop, don’t you know? This franchise started in 1984 featured Alex Foley, a flippant and rebellious cop played by Eddie Murphy. Through three films and investigations, each crazier than the next, this character has become emblematic. But unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to find him after Beverly Hills Cop 3 in 1994. A fourth opus was however in discussion but the project was nipped in the bud. During the 2000s, this idea came up on the table many times. But it will be necessary to wait until 2022 for the project to really materialize. After years of uncertainty, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley has indeed been filmed and is scheduled to air on Netflix in 2023. No information on the scenario at the moment. On the other hand, we know that this sequel will be produced by Eddie Murphy and Jerry Bruckheimer (nicknamed Mr. Blockbuster) and directed by Mark Molloy, with Will Beall (Aquaman, Zack Snyder’s Justice League) to the scenario.

Call Me Spirited Away

We often hear about anime / manga adaptation in film or live-action series. One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note… The examples are numerous and not always very conclusive. But the film we are going to tell you about has everything to be a successful adaptation. Call me Spirited Away is indeed a live-action film based on the manga Chihiro-San. He invites us to follow the life of Chihiro, a former sex worker who now works in a bento shop in a small coastal village. With this new job, she meets many people and some suffer from past scars or present battles. But through her words and her actions, she will try to change their existence and teach them to be happy. The film, co-produced by Netflix and Asmik Ace, is directed by Rikiya Imaizumi (Just Only Love, His, and Little Nights, Little Love). As for the cast, it’s Kasumi Arimura (Flying Colors, We Made A Beautiful Bouquet) who lends her features to the beautiful Chihiro. See you on February 23 to discover this Japanese film.

In 2020, Netflix offered us an explosive action film with Extraction. Following the adventures of the mercenary Tyler Rake (played by Chris Hemsworth), the latter had plunged us into the heart of the middle of the underworld for a mission bordering on the impossible. The film was a success for Netflix and a sequel was quickly considered. This was confirmed in September 2021 and filming wrapped in April 2022. The film should therefore be released in 2023 on Netflix. For the moment, we have only had the right to short teasers and little information. We know all the same that Chris Hemsworth will resume his role well. Extraction 2 also keeps the same director, namely the former stuntman Sam Hargrave, and the same screenwriter, Joe Russo who officiated on many Marvel films. He also indicated that the team wanted to modify the formula a little. We can therefore expect a film with a different tone, environment and pace from its predecessor. For the moment, no more precise release date, but it will not be long.


Definitely, we are starting to see beautiful people flocking to Netflix. Tom Hardy will indeed star in a big action thriller scheduled for 2023 on the platform: havoc. He plays a detective seriously injured following a drug trafficking case he was investigating. Now embroiled in a sprawling story, he will seek to carve out a place for himself within the underworld in order to succeed in saving the son of a politician. A perilous mission that will lead him to discover that his city is much more corrupt than he thinks. Many interesting names have already been announced to the cast. We will thus be able to find Forest Whitaker (Star Wars), Timothy Olyphant (The Mandalorian), Justin Cornwell (Training Day), Jessie Mei Li (Shadow and Bone: The Grisha Saga) or Yeo Yann Yann (Wet Season, Ilo Ilo). On the production side, we find Gareth Evans, who notably officiated on The Raid, The Raid 2 and the series Gangs of London. The bugger is also responsible for writing the screenplay.


Korean cinema has been on the rise since the acclaim Parasite. And among the great classics of the Korean pantheon, we find in particular the horror film Last train to Busan, directed by Yeon Sang-ho. If you liked it, you will no doubt be delighted to learn that the guy has a new feature film in store for us for the year 2023, and more precisely on January 20. Jung_E, that’s its name, is a science fiction film set in the 22nd century. Due to climate change, the Earth is no longer inhabitable by humans. The survivors are therefore forced to live together in a giant bunker. However, this does not go very well and a real civil war breaks out. To end it and save humanity, researcher Seohyun tries to find a way to clone the legendary fighter’s brain. Jung_E in the body of a robot. This is the late Kang Soo-yeon (Come Come Come Upward) who lent his face to portray Seohyun, alongside Kim Hyun-joo (Glass Slippers, Twinkle Twinkle) and Ryu Kyung-soo (Confession, Itaewon Class) especially.

Rebel Moon

If you follow DC productions a bit, Zack Snyder is certainly not an unknown name. The man was indeed at the controls of Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman and Justice League. Apart from that, he also directed the movies Army of the Dead, 300, Watchmen, Sucker Punch and, more recently, Army of the Dead. Suffice to say that the bugger has a CV as long as your arm and that many of them are already waiting for his next film, Rebel Moon. And that’s good since it is planned on Netflix during the year 2023. We stay in science fiction with a plot taking place in an isolated space colony in the depths of the galaxy. But now, the tyrant Balisarius threatens her and the civilians, attached to peace, are not able to retaliate. Their only hope: Kora, a mysterious young woman tasked with finding allies on the surrounding planets. She will be played by Franco-Algerian actress Sofia Boutella (Kingsman: Secret Service, The Mummy), surrounded by actors such as Charles Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) or Ray Fisher (Justice League).

These 10 Netflix movies of 2023 will turn your living room into a cinema

The Killer

We continue with the big names with director David Fincher. Again, the list is long, whether on the side of films or series. David Fincher is indeed Fight Club, Seven, Zodiac, The Curious Story of Benjamin, Gone Girl but also House of Cards and mindhunter. For his next collaboration with Netflix, the director offers us an adaptation of the comic book series The killersigned Matz and Luc Jacamon. The general public will thus be able to discover this hitman who kills his victims without ever having any remorse. Anyway, that was before an event came to call his whole existence into question. The comics mainly offering long monologues, we are curious to see how Fincher will manage to make it all interesting on film. In any case, he surrounded himself well since Michael Fassbender (Magneto in the X-Men prequel tetralogy) landed the title role.

These 10 Netflix movies of 2023 will turn your living room into a cinema

The Pale Blue Eye

If a few lucky ones have already been able to see The Pale Blue Eye in the cinema, the next film by Scott Cooper (Hostile, Crazy Heart) will only land January 6, 2023 on Netflix. And the least we can say is that we are waiting for it, if only because it honors a talented actor: Christian Bale. The one who always gives his all for his roles will this time take us to the 19th century to follow the adventures of a detective investigating the murders that took place within the American Military Academy at West Point. And to help him, he can count on a particularly determined young recruit whose name may be familiar to you: Edgar Allan Poe. But terrible things are happening in the shadows and the two men will find themselves in the middle of rituals aimed at achieving eternal life. Note that this movie is an adaptation of the book of the same name written by Louis Bayard in 2006. We are promised a gloomy atmosphere, where reason and the supernatural intertwine.

The Mother

In May 2023, Jennifer Lopez will be showing a new film on Netflix: The Mother. She plays a famous killer, forced to hide to survive. Yes, but now, a particular event will bring her out of her hole: her daughter, whom she abandoned years ago, is in danger. While avoiding those who want him dead, she will therefore leave to help him. Fortunately, the young woman is more than prepared thanks to her training (seen in the teaser) worthy of that of a Rocky. In the casting, we therefore find the well-known singer but also Joseph Fiennes (The Handmaid’s Tale, American Horror Story), Omari Hardwick (Power) or even Paul Raci (Sound of Metal). In the production, we find Niki Caro, who notably laid the film for us Mulan. The screenplay was written by Misha Green (Tomb Raider 2) and Peter Craig (Hunger Games: Mockingjay). They’ve all worked together to bring us an exhilarating, action-packed thriller, and we hope the result will be conclusive.

We Have a Ghost

We end with a horror film by Christopher Landon, a director accustomed to the genre. Michael Landon’s son has indeed worked on films like Paranormal Activity, Happy Birthdead Where Freaky. With We Have a Ghostthe guy returns to his first love by offering us, as its name suggests, a film centered on ghosts and the paranormal. It all starts when Kevin discovers that his new house is haunted by a ghost. With his family, they will decide to use this paranormal being to become stars of social networks. But by drawing too much attention to themselves, they find themselves in the middle of a governmental history that is beyond them. And the origins of their ghost may well be the key. Once again, we find well-known actors in the cast. Anthony Mackie (Falcon at Marvel) and David Harbor (Jim Hopper in Stranger Things) will indeed be in the game.

These 10 Netflix movies of 2023 will turn your living room into a cinema


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