They arrest a neighbor of Charlie Sheen after breaking into his house and trying to strangle him

In every neighborhood, problems can arise between neighbors. Whether in Spain or anywhere in the world; and in the United States it was not going to be less. The tensions sometimes lead to attempts at aggression, like the one that just happened Charlie Sheen at the hands of his neighbor.

The actor, famous for his role in Two and a Half Men, among others, has become one of the protagonists of a neighborhood incident. As reported by the famous American portal TMZ, He was attacked in his own home by a neighbor who ended up being arrested after trying to attack and strangle him.

The neighbor, Electra Schrock47 years old, was the cause of this attack, which is now faces serious charges, including assault with a deadly weapon and home invasion. A case for which Charlie Sheen did not need medical attention, but it has caused the media spotlight to hover over his figure.

The events took place last Wednesday, December 20, when, suddenly, the neighbor forced her way into Sheen’s home in Los Angeles after banging on the door. The actor, after opening to check what was happening, ended up being physically attacked, including several strangulation attempts.

At that moment, he interpreter call 911 immediatelyending with Schrock’s arrest at his home, something that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed.

They have had problems before

It is not the first incident that both have had, since sources close to the interpreter have confessed that the neighbor previously starred in several scenes such as the fact of spraying a sticky liquid on Charlie Sheen’s car, or throwing trash in front of his door.

A confrontation that the actor would have tried to resolve peacefullythrough a conversation with her neighbor, to put aside her disagreements.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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