They claim that Cline Dion lost control of her muscles

MIAMI.- Singer Cline Dion continues to face health problems due to stiff person syndrome, a neurological disease that affects the central nervous system.

Faced with this condition, the sister of the Canadian interpreter, Claudette Dion, told the media 7 days What is the current status of the artist.

There are some who have lost hope because it is an unknown disease. “He works hard, but he has lost control of his muscles,” said Claudette, who is also a singer.

“What hurts me is that she has always been very disciplined. She always worked hard. Mom always told her: ‘you are going to do this and you are going to do it well,'” he added.

This illness has influenced the tour that Cline Dion began prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2019. On May 26, the artist’s team canceled 40 concerts. Courage World Tour, planned in Europe until April 2024.

“It is true that, in our dreams, the idea is to return to the stage. In what state? We do not know. The vocal cords are muscles and the heart is also a muscle. This is what worries me the most. And since “It’s one case in a million, scientists haven’t done much research,” said Claudette Dion.

Cline Dion’s last concert dates back to March 2020 in Newark (United States). After fifty concerts in North America, his world tour Courage World Tour was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the singer was never able to resume it due to muscle spasms.

About the disease

Stiff person syndrome is a disease whose exact cause is unknown, but it is apparently of autoimmune origin.

This syndrome, which affects one in every million people, causes acute pain and difficulty moving, preventing intense physical activity.

“The medical team that accompanies Cline monitors the evolution of the disease and its treatment,” his entourage indicated.

Dion is one of the most popular artists in the world, known among other successes for My Heart Will Go On1997 song for the film soundtrack Titanic.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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