They denounce in Jalisco the use of the Secretary of Education of Alfaro for electoral purposes

GUADALAJARA, Jal. (Process).- With a view to renewing the governorship in 2024, the State Education Secretariat (SEJ) operates a structure to prepare a list of potential voters, denounce employees of the agency.

According to the testimonies, Juan Carlos Flores Miramontes, head of the SEJ, and his close directors, in agreement with the state leader of Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), José Manuel Romo Parra, force his staff to obtain personal data from voters, whose information is uploaded to a platform of the agency itself.

Flores Miramontes / Photo: Facebook by Juan Carlos Flores Miramontes

In the “Tema 2 Golstech platform”, stored in the secretariat’s servers, the data of citizens who have been contacted for approximately four months by SEJ workers are emptied.

Proceso was able to learn from testimonies of personnel from that unit that the same dynamics to gather information is intended to be applied in the rest of the secretariats of the emecist government of Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.

Under the request to keep their identity confidential due to the risk of reprisals, the dissatisfied employees showed the reporter the dynamics to collect the information, which is provided by the voter himself.

MC activists / Photo: Facebook Jalisco Citizen Movement

modus operandi

The sources consulted explain that an employee of the SEJ sends a link to a citizen through the WhatsApp application, who first registers at the telephone number that corresponds to the “Issue 2” platform and gives the cell phone number of the official who sent it. invited.

Immediately, the system asks the citizen for their personal data, as well as uploading an image of their INE credential.

When the citizen registers, the privacy policy appears, but in a section described as “Purposes of personal data processing” it is mentioned that the information will be used for a dozen purposes. Among these are “campaign and propaganda of candidacies”, “partisan representation in polling places on election day”, “monitoring of the activity and communication of political and government actors at all times”.

Also, the information that the citizen provides will serve to “identify the needs, problems, demands and perceptions of the population regarding the action and powers of the current governments, as well as identify and manage the participation actions of supporters and militants of the political party in processes elections”, and “the sending of notifications, surveys, information and invitations to events”.

Once the person registers, the system sends a WhatsApp message to the official, with the name, CURP, telephone and folio number of the person who registered.

Each SEJ employee can check their “general inviter advance or detailed inviter advance”.

If the last option is chosen, a PDF report is generated with the data of the people who registered through the WhatsApp link.

In the state there is a staff of 79,770 teachers who work in 13,415 schools, administrative staff that add up to just over 15,000 people.

Romo Parra. MC in campaign / Photo: Gloria Reza

The workers explained that the secretary Flores Miramontes meets with the leader of Movimiento Ciudadano, Manuel Romo, in private schools to ask for an account of the information collected from potential voters, in meetings that are also attended by the undersecretaries of Basic Education, Pedro Díaz Arias , and Administration, Gerardo Rodríguez; the director of personnel Wendy Muñoz, and the person in charge of Planning, Fernando Lozano.

In the last meeting that was held on July 27 at the Subiré school, approximately 80 people participated, who were reminded that they had to do work for the party throughout Jalisco, according to the protesters.

In that same meeting, the Secretary of Education warned them that whoever does not give political results leaves the unit.

The complainants told Proceso that they were dissatisfied because “we do partisan work during working hours and with the educational structure.”


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