The sentence for shouting freedom is greater than for homicide

HAVANA.- The rates of violence in Cuba have skyrocketed in recent months, without the Díaz Canel regime taking timely actions to stop the criminal acts that occur in the provinces.

In a report made by the web portal Martí Newssome Cubans have denounced the presence of criminal gangs that keep the population in anxiety due to thefts, robberies and even murders.

“Things are happening that are getting out of hand, there is a very large level of desperation in the population, criminal acts are increasing,” said Vladimir Ríos Cruz, regarding the debate generated by the discovery of the body of a woman in the San Agustín neighborhood, in the capital municipality of La Lisa, review Martí News

This wave of violent events has been an argument for different NGOs such as Yo Sí Te Creo (YSTCC) and the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT) to demand that the regime take measures to clarify the incident. “Access to public information, such as this on the incidence of violence in Cuban society, is a right,” they questioned in a joint statement.

havana Cuba by Unsplash

Habaneros wander through its streets, while the city falls apart.


Residents in the province of Villa Clara also reported to us an increase in violence in that territory. One of the events they referred to occurred on January 17 in Playa Nazábal, in the municipality of Encrucijada, where several people robbed a home in the town.

According to the official profile Fuerza del Pueblo, associated with the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), two women and two men were arrested as alleged perpetrators of the incident. “I believe that if the MININT does not put a stop to these things, this is going to end badly, because there are already gangs and gangs,” independent journalist Guillermo del Sol told Martí Noticias.

Two days before, an 83-year-old woman was murdered in her home on the Piloto farm, in the Matanzas municipality of Unión de Reyes, to rob her of 20 thousand pesos. According to what they said, the person responsible for the incident is already in prison.

“That person who murdered the old woman is already in La Bellotex prison, it is very alarming that political prisoners serving sentences there have to live with a murderer,” warned Annia Zamora Carmenata, the mother of 11J political prisoner Sissi Abascal. Zamora.

Teresa Miranda Céspedes, who lives in the town of Guaro, in the municipality of Mayarí, in the province of Holguín, stated that the people are still shocked after the feminicide against the young woman. Aliuska Carmenate occurred last January 14.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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