Humanity is heading towards the increase of virtual meetings and the decrease in physical gatherings. The pandemic accelerated this initiative, especially in the workplace, but the same course of things continues to develop mechanisms to improve remote meetings.

Even in the area of ​​love, since a team of North American scientists has developed a device with which you can kiss someone from a long distance. It is executed by means of virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR).

It is much more advanced than the initiative (awkward) that we saw between Raj and Howard in The Big Bang Theorysince this new device does not require that you have something in your mouth to be able to perceive the sensation that something touches your lips and even your tongue.

According to what you review Very interesting, the kiss can only be performed, for now, with the virtual reality helmet that the scientists modified. It is a kind of VR glasses manipulated by the Future Interfaces Group at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, in the United States.

The virtual reality kiss

The scientists behind this initiative explain that the virtual kiss without a device that touches the lips is possible through the use of ultrasonic transducers.

They comment that in their experiment they built these thin and compact mechanisms capable of forming beams. So these “could be integrated into future headphones in a practical and easy-to-use way.”

Because they work with haptic technology, they are called Mouth Haptics. The idea of ​​the transducers is to focus on the mouth to send signals to this part of the body.

“We use this hardware to focus airborne acoustic energy onto the lips and mouth, creating sensations like continuous tapping and vibrations, which we can also animate along arbitrary 3D paths. In addition to the lips, our effects can be felt on the teeth and tongue. When combined with coordinated graphic feedback, the effects are compelling and increase realism and immersion.”

The first tests were carried out and were successful. All that remains is for this technology to become widespread, which, in addition to being used for kisses, stands out because it is capable of sending sensations of touch to another person over a long distance.


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