SALTILLO, COAH.- During a solemn session, the General advice of Electoral Institute of Coahuila gave the flag for the start of the ordinary electoral process of the 2023where the entity will renew the State Congress already a new Governor.

With the declaration of initiation, the deadlines that are aimed at forming the choice from procedures where it is intended to encourage the citizen participation, so that the Coahuilenses begin to know the political parties and in general the people who will star in the contest.

During the session, the councilor president of the body, Rodrigo Paredes sent a message where he said that his presidency against the IEClike the work of the counselors, will have as its mission that this be a impartial process and called the participants to attend with a spirit of participation and organization.

“Of course, the responsibility of conducting the process will be great; however, it will live up to what the public expects of us. All our actions will be to add and never subtract confidence or certainty “said Paredes Lozano.

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$! The president counselor Rodrigo Paredes sent a message where he said that his presidency before the IEC will have as mission that this is an impartial process.

President Rodrigo Paredes sent a message in which he said that his presidency before the IEC will have as its mission that this be an impartial process.

On the other hand, the counselor daniel rodriguezrecalled that this will be a large process that will have chiaroscuro In its development; however, the differentiated visions are the ones that generate true democratic processesand invited this to be a truly inclusive process for all vulnerable groups.

“These elections have to be the most inclusive of all that have taken place in history, think of the people who have been violated. It is important that all citizens who are going to vote in June remember that they will have the opportunity to elect people who will truly represent them in each of these groups. This process forces us to rethink the term of democracy as a democracy that really brings together all the groups that have to be represented”said Daniel Rodriguez.

Also, the counselor Leticia Bravo Ostos asserted that in the Council there are no philias or phobiasand invited to carry out a genuinely democratic process and with absolute respect for the establishments of gender parity and effective places for women in decision-making.

“I reiterate my commitment so that women have spaces as an extension of democracy, as well as participation in decision-making with an egalitarian approach”he expressed.

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In addition to renewing the government of Coahuilain this process will be chosen 16 seats of legislators and legislators that they will be appointed according to the popular election; while the other nine seats, to integrate the new legislature of 25 deputies, are designated through the plurinominal.

In this process, in addition, there will be spaces that must be respected in an effective way so that the people who make up vulnerable groups such as the LGBTTTIQ community and the People with disabilitiescan compete as candidates and make decisions in the procedures that are coming before the day.

Rodrigo Paredes Lozano He also recalled during the session that any electoral process is concluded once all the issues have been resolved. means of challenge that result from it.

At the end of the session, the calls for the charges to be decided on June 4.


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