President of Peru on dispute over Rolex watches: they are a loan

LIMA- The Democratic Change party presented this Tuesday a new motion of censorship against the Peruvian president, Dina boluarte, for alleged attacks on the separation of the powers of the State, as well as for lack of transparency and the absence of explanations for the twelve days in which he was absent in June 2023.

The motion was presented to the media by Democratic Change deputies Ruth Luque and Susel Paredes as a prior step to seeking the necessary signatures in Congress so that the proposal can be debated.

On this occasion, the Peruvian president is accused of systematically interfering in the judicial system, making her unfit to hold office due to these alleged attacks against the separation of powers.

“It has to do with the obstruction and affectation of the principle of independence, separation and autonomy of powers. We are (…) facing a flagrant, systematic and permanent affectation of a president who did not respect the autonomy of powers,” denounced Luque, according to Peruvian media.

The other point of the motion of censure reproached the president for not having given the appropriate explanations for an absence without authorization from Congress in June 2023 that lasted for twelve days and that some sources maintain that it occurred because she underwent a cosmetic surgery operation.

“Public opinion will have to know who were the congressmen who began to continue supporting a president who was clearly unfit for office. Here, if the benches did not want to take charge, each congressman would have to respond politically for their decision,” he stressed.

Boluarte already succeeded this year in two other attempts to debate her dismissal in Congress, the last related to the “Rolex case”, in relation to the pending case that she had before the Prosecutor’s Office for a dozen luxury watches and other jewelry that did not declare, as well as for a bank account of unknown origin.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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