They present protection for violation of human rights to detainees from Vente Venezuela

CARACAS. – The defense of the three activists of the party of Maria Corina Machado who have been detained since last January filed an appeal for protection before the Second Control Court with jurisdiction over terrorism.

Lawyer Omar Mora Tosta pointed out on Thursday, March 7, that, in the case of these leaders opponents, “There is a systematic violation of their human rights.” The detainees are regional heads of Vente Venezuela: Juan Freites (Vargas state), Luis Camacaro (Yaracuy) and Guillermo López (Trujillo).

The defender said that the amparo was introduced due to the violation of due process and the right to defense. In the case of these detained opponents, the lawyers confirmed that the presentation hearing was held in February, one month after the arbitrary detention and forced disappearance. In this case, as recently happened with the activist Rocío San Miguel, the court imposed public defense.

“The Court was aware that these people had private defense. We were there waiting, they brought them to the court, we saw them, the court knew that we were there and they ordered them to be handcuffed again to take them out and later, at night, to do a hearing behind the backs of the defense to which they are entitled,” argued Omar Mora Tosta.

Detained in Sebin

The coordinators of Vente Venezuela Juan Freites, Luis Camacaro and Guillermo López are being held at the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) in The Helicoide.

From the party of María Corina Machado they denounce that the detained leaders “have been victims of a systematic pattern of human rights violations that the regime has undertaken against political leaders, social leaders, human rights activists and civil society who have bravely decided to raise the voice of citizens, through the exercise of their social and political rights to recover democracy, the rule of law and freedom.”


Source: Lawyer Omar Mora Tosta / Vente Venezuela

Tarun Kumar

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