
A young resident of Matanzas denounced the bank transfer scam of which a relative was a victim in recent days and the no police action to investigate and arrest the perpetrator.

Yailin Moralesfrom Cárdenas, made public in the group “Cardenenses en Facebook” the scam suffered by a cousin of her husband, and alerted other users to the danger by revealing the modus operandi from scammers.

“And to the scams they are getting more sophisticated. Before they created a fake Facebook profile and asked relatives for money, we were already alerted about that; but this is new, that is why I have come to alert you, ”he began by saying in her publication.

Capture of Facebook/Cardenenses on Facebook

According to his testimony, created a WhatsApp profile with her husband’s name and photo to swindle a cousin of his. “They asked him for 100 MLC and told him that he was in the store and he needed to buy a television, that he would take it in cash. His cousin did not pay attention to the number, she saw his photo and name, and did not hesitate, ”said the woman.

When doing the report to the policethey provided him with the card and phone numbers of the person who committed the scam, and yet the officers said there was nothing they could do.

“The good thing about all this is that the police say that having a card and telephone number they can’t do anything (…) I wonder how long and how far the scams will go, if even with evidence they can do nothing ”, he questioned in his post, which he accompanied with screenshots of the card data and the telephone number of the alleged perpetrator, in case anyone could identify him.

In addition, he decided to make it public so that other people be alert and don’t be scammed. “So that no one else falls into that trap, when someone asks you for money, even if it’s family, call them and talk on the phone to make sure it’s their voice and their cell phone,” she warned.

Capture of Facebook/Cardenenses on Facebook

In an update to the post, Morales revealed that, thanks to some friends -whom he did not identify to protect their identities-, they had obtained the name of the card’s owner, the telephone number and an EnZona account, all from the same person. .

The woman revealed that the alleged fraudster is named Lennia Llorente Guilarteand asked for help in the group in case anyone knows her and can provide information to locate her.

During 2022, Cuban authorities 126 people were arrested for robberies with violence and scams using digital networksas reported by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).


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