No more excuses. You no longer need hours and hours in the reserve to be able to go to the gym to get in shape. Although it was created 27 years ago, the Tabata exercise routine is becoming more and more popular among those people who do not find time in their daily lives to travel for long sessions of daily physical exercise.

This method, created by the Japanese Izumi Tabata, consists of exercising for approximately four minutes a day. Yes indeed, the tests require a level of explosiveness that aims to accelerate the metabolism with the aim of burning the greatest number of fats possible and, in the same way, improve muscular resistance.

Some famous ones, like S.ara Carbonero or Chenoa seem to have become fond of this type of training which, as a positive part,, has that adapts to anyone and anywhere. It can be done both on the street and in a small house and, in all these cases, it can be perfectly executed as long as the steps are followed correctly.

So you can join the ‘Tabata’ routine

The first thing to do is choose a high intensity exercise. It may well be squats, burpees, static or dynamic sprints, push-ups or sit-ups. This exercise will continue for Twenty seconds, regardless of the repetitions that are achieved. After ten second break, begins a second series of another of the exercises. And so, until eight series.

It is important to bear in mind that it is not a training to be carried out on a daily basis due to the significant wear and tear it produces. Specialists recommend putting it into practice, at most, a couple of days a week and that they are never performed at 100% intensity. In addition, as always happens with training based on the principle of supercompensation, the body gets used to it and the repetitions to be performed will automatically increase.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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