This is what the Colombian looks like naturally and at 47 years old

At 47 years old you can look beautiful and natural, Shakira is proof of this. The singer surprised, and in what way, her followers on her networks with a video of a makeup session.

In just two hours the Colombian’s publication on Instagram had more than 175 thousand likes and 4,000 commentsmost of them showering her with praise.

“Get ready with me.”was the invitation that the artist sent to her fans, and although many noticed her makeup tips, many others couldn’t help but be amazed by Shakira’s beauty when she started the video without any cosmetics on her face.

The interpreter of “Puntería”, a song she chose as the background for her video, She opted for a very simple and natural makeup and that made her followers praise her even more, although there were also those who criticized her for this “influencer facet.”

“Pretty with a filter, without a filter, with makeup, without makeup… CUTE”; “She is beautiful with or without makeup, the queen”; “Natural makeup is definitely the best option”; “Beautiful, perfect, spectacular”; “Every day more powerful, beautiful, unique and always with her magical touch, I love it”; “My heart, oh I melt. This is such a cute makeup video”; “But what is this so spectacular! Beautiful”, were some of the reactions that her video triggered.

After the success of your album Women no longer cryShakira continues to turn to her music and the networks to make her fans fall in love with her in this new stage of her artistic career.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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