During the past week, we have examined the lawyer Soheil Naderi who, among other things, tricked clients with dementia into writing wills in his favor and who placed others completely unaware as goalkeepers in his bankrupt company. The review has had a great impact and many have contacted our reporters Natalie Medic and Fredrik Svenningsson to tell how they too felt deceived by Soheil Naderi.

The lawyer Soheil Nadero deceived dementia sufferer Ingeborg, 96

Here you can see the full review of Soheil Naderi on SVT Play

Muthärva in Ystad

A suspected bribery is underway in Ystad. The municipality has signed an agreement with the security company Stanley security for just over SEK 100 million, which is sky high above what other municipalities pay for their security. At the same time, municipal employees must have been invited on trips.

Suspected bribery in Ystad reported to the police

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Ystad’s municipal director Randi Graugaard states that the municipality has extremely high security costs and just as high security in bicycle storage as in the municipal hall. Photo: SVT

The customs scanner often detects drugs

Large amounts of packages and letters pour in every day from abroad, online shopping has increased the pressure even further. With it comes a range of illegal goods. In the Scanian mail and courier flow, the amount of seized cannabis and narcotic tablets has increased.

Here, the narcotics get stuck more and more often in the customs scanner

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– My experience says that these tablets are more interesting than others, says Mika, customs inspector in Malmö. See how drugs and dangerous objects can be detected in the clip. Photo: Johan Dernelius/SVT

Fluffy donkeys delight visitors

One of the most popular reports this week was about Åsa Nilsson’s adorable poitou donkeys. The fluffy donkey breed is said to be able to protect livestock from both dogs, foxes and wolves. But that’s not why Åsa bought them.

– They just walk around here and spread love. The most hardened peasant is on his knees and gold with them. People are very charmed, she says.

“They just go around spreading love”

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In the video clip, you get to meet Åsa and her fluffy donkeys outside Höör. Photo: Erika Dahlin Jönsson/SVT


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