angela and carlos, protagonists of an emotional episode / whatsapp

Angela Ofelia is 72 years old, for five days she had been waiting with great expectation to receive her salary and half a bonus. The date arrived yesterday and when she returned from the bank she lost the wallet in which she was carrying the cash and other personal items. She began to cry inconsolably, until the taxi driver Carlos Petoyán appeared, who had taken her to her house in Los Hornos de ella to return her soul: her wallet with the cash, about 80,000 pesos, and documentation her staff.

The crying increased, according to the retiree, because “I went from absolute sadness to thanking the appearance of an angel who saved my life. Carlos gave me back my hope and that you can still believe in people. He had everything in that bag that I accidentally dropped after paying for the trip. I thought that the world had been cruel to me, because it is very difficult for me to live with the income that I have and this time I needed it more than ever”, said Angela, grateful to the driver of the rental car.

Carlos Petoyán, who is a member of the Unified Union of Taxi Drivers, went to the retiree’s house together with the union’s general secretary, Juan Carlos Berón, to deliver what the woman had lost in the car she was driving. “He had told me everything. The plans she had, the hardships she was going through and how she had been in the last few days. Beyond that, I was going to return the money and documentation as has happened to me on other occasions. But this time he had something special because of the heartbreaking of the woman’s story, ”said the driver, visibly moved after the open-hearted hug that the pensioner gave him when he recovered her money and personal documents.

The episode occurred after noon and the driver approached the woman’s home in the early hours of the afternoon, who was eternally grateful for the gesture, almost like a “Christmas present”, as defined by Angela, shocked by what had happened to her. happened.


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