Today ends the electoral campaign for the presidential elections in Venezuela

CARACAS. – The electoral campaign for the elections presidential of July 28th comes to an end. According to the electoral schedule approved by the National Electoral Council (CNE), the process began on July 4th and ends at 12 midnight on Thursday 25th.

Ten candidates ran for office in the elections: dictator Nicolás Maduro (United Socialist Party of Venezuela), who is seeking a third term, Edmundo González Urrutia (Unitary Platform); Enrique Márquez (Centrados), Antonio Ecarri (Pencil Alliance and other parties); Daniel Ceballos (Arepa), Luis Eduardo Martínez (AD), Javier Bertucci (El Cambio); Benjamín Rausseo (Conde), Claudio Fermín (Solutions) and José Brito (Primero Venezuela).

The electoral campaign took place amid silence from the electoral body in the face of opposition complaints about the favoritism of the candidate Maduro through the use of state resources.

In addition, the opposition warned about the exposure of hate speech by Chavismo; the growing repression and political disqualification; censorship, the closure of radio stations and the blocking of 12 Web portals, among other aspects. These limitations on information were denounced by the National College of Journalists (CNP), the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) and several NGOs, including Laboratorio de Paz.

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The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE) condemned on July 8 the persecution policy against opponents Venezuelans, as well as restrictions on freedom of expression and association. For these organizations, such actions “seek to perpetuate the ruling party in power.”

According to the Specific Regulations on the Campaign, released on July 3, the CNE and the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) would carry out “permanent monitoring and observation of the performance of social networks during the electoral process, in order to eradicate disinformation phenomena or non-compliance with regulations.” However, no information was given on any steps taken in this regard.

Blatant persecution

Access to Justice documented the figures of political persecution during the campaign tours of candidate Edmundo González Urrutia and leader María Corina Machado.

As of July 22, the NGO has recorded 125 arbitrary arrests for political reasons, as well as 12 political disqualifications of mayors; the dismissal of a mayor and two councillors, and nearly 22 establishments closed for serving the opposition. Roads were also blocked to prevent opposition political events, while María Corina Machado reported having been the target of an attack through vandalism of the vehicles she was travelling in.

Although it is not part of the campaign, in the final stretch, the Unitary Platform denounced the obstacles to the registration of its witnesses in the presidential elections. At the end of the afternoon of Wednesday, July 24, the obstacles were overcome.

Source: IACHR/ Access to Justice / Unitary Platform

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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