With the 11th century, the Paraguayan finora has equalized his best stagione carried out in career: control Verona può allungare

Antonio Sanabria is disputing a second part of stagione straordinaria. Nelle last 12 gare, infatti, the former Genoa has messed up according to ben 7 reti, that they have allowed to arrive at quota 11 goal in stagione and of eguagliare their best annata from the point of view realizzativo: quella del 2015/2016, when wearing the Sporting Gijon jersey. The merit of his performance is also given by Ivan Juric, who has done so much of his movement of number 9 in allegiance. Contro il Verona, in the garage of the Bentegodi in programma domenica 14 maggio alle 12:30, Sanabria può will increase il suo bottino di reti and far yes that the season 2022/2023 can see his migliore from him when he is a calciatore.

Il Verona is the favorite victim of Sanabria

I gialloblù represented an adversary that the number 9 has particularly at heart: the cousin doppietta in Serie A, infatti, Sanabria, has performed himself against Hellas, when wearing the Genoa jersey. It was August 2020, in a desolate Ferraris because of the pandemic, the Paraguayan has given away the salvezza ai rossoblù to the last day of the championship. Inoltre, sono 4 I recalled who has arrested part of the attacker contro i veneti: three markings and an assist). Contro nessun’altra squadra has done better in the massive tournament. I presupposti per fare un paso avanti nella classifica marcatori ci sono tutti, ma l’Hellas vendrà expensive la pelle pur di raggiungere la salvezza.

Antonio Sanabria


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