The roads are slippery, the bike skids: cycling in winter is dangerous. Five safety tips – and how to have fun.

Winter can be wonderful: the sky is clear, the air is crisp, hoarfrost enchants nature. Who in the morning with the Bicycle commuting to work or returning late in the evening is more likely to feel the rigors of winter. Slippery roads, uncleared cycle paths, cold and darkness: how do you overcome these obstacles? The ADFC Berlin has put together tips on how cycling is safe and fun even in winter. We introduce them.

The bike path is not cleared and gritted? Dodge onto the road

The Snow According to the law, bike lanes must be removed. That’s the theory. In practice, it often looks different: cycle paths are not cleared or are even extra slippery because water collects on poorly maintained, bumpy lanes freezes at sub-zero temperatures.

Therefore: If you want to reach your destination healthy, you should not insist on law and order, but look for the path that offers the most security. In case of doubt, this can be the roadway. The ADFC informs: Also compulsory use bike lanes do not have to be navigated unless they are clear of snow and ice. There’s even a verdict on it. The Federal Court of Justice ruled in 2003 that cyclists roadway are allowed to use if not the cycle path, but the roadway next to it or in the vicinity is cleared or gritted. Also interesting: Winter weather – How to drive safely in ice and snow

Cycling in winter: deflate tires or use spiked tires

In slippery conditions, lower air pressure in the tires provides more grip, explains the ADFC. The reason: the contact surface increases and the bike is easier to control. Therefore, cyclists should winter reduce the air pressure in the tires.

If you want maximum control on ice and snow, use tires with spikes. There are metal pins on the side of the jacket. The ADFC informed: Unlike drivers, cyclists are allowed to use studded tires because they do not damage the road. more on the subject: Bicycles – What is worrying manufacturers right now

Safely through the winter: Drive slowly and avoid braking – especially in curves!

Who doesn’t know it: As a cyclist, you can drive with foresight. Nevertheless, one always gets into dangerous situations that come as a surprise. This is especially true in winter. Straight smoothness is treacherous and cannot be seen from afar, especially not in the dark.

Therefore, all road users should use the speed to reduce. This is especially true before corners. And: In icy curves should cyclist If possible, neither brake nor accelerate, the ADFC warns. Definitely reduce the speed beforehand and, if at all, only pedal lightly. Otherwise it’s easy to lose control, get carried out of the curve and fall.

Also important: If you have to brake, you should definitely use both brakes on your bike. The simultaneous, careful brakes According to the ADFC, on both wheels is the quickest and safest way to come to a standstill. If it is no longer possible to brake due to unexpected black ice: keep calm and let it coast. also read: More exercise – How to extend your life

Smart heating in winter – also interesting:

This is how you make your bike suitable for winter

You can make your bike safer without paying a lot for it. One trick is even free. The ADFC advises: If you feel very insecure and shaky, you can lower the saddle. In this way, the feet have faster contact with the ground. In the lighting you shouldn’t save. Front and rear lights are mandatory and ensure that you can see better – but above all that you are seen in good time as a cyclist.

The ADFC reminds: The cone of light belongs on the ground a few meters in front of the bike. Is the headlight set higher, it blinds others. Pointed downwards, it also ensures that bumps and chunks of ice are recognized in good time. You should invest at least 20 euros for a good headlight.

Not only important in winter: drive with foresight and consideration

The bike is suitable for winter, the driving style adjusted? Wonderful. Nevertheless, it’s further Caution required. Because especially in winter you have to expect that other road users will also have problems and you should take them into account. Unsafe and restricted pedestrians, drivers who lose control or need a longer braking distance: As a cyclist, you should take this into account, as well as adverse weather conditions.

The ADFC advises: Keep your distance! Especially when swerving onto the highway. Cyclists should pay particular attention to children and the elderly. In addition, as bright as possible or even reflective clothing carry. Especially when it snows, it is helpful to increase your visibility with reflective clothing.

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