Rapper Travis Scott edits his mugshot in Miami.

MIAMI.- He raperoTravis Scott was arrested in the early hours of June 20 at the marina of Miami Beachafter a group of people who were on board a yacht reported that the 33-year-old interpreter, under the influence of alcohol, began to verbally attack them.

According to a police report obtained by TMZ, Scott, whose given name is Jacques Bermon Webster, began an argument with the occupants of the boat, who asked officers to remove him from the scene.

The arrest

Although the musician was evicted from the place, he returned five minutes later: “disturbing the tranquility of the members of the marina and causing public disorder,” the police file says.

“They say they intercepted him… and they claim that Travis Scott became erratic and belligerent the moment they arrested him,” reports TMZ.

The file also ensures that Travis excused his behavior and drunkenness with the phrase: “this is Miami.”

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The rapper Travis Scott edits his mugshot in Miami.


Authorities transferred him to the Turner Guilford Knight Penitentiary and he was charged with trespassing on private property and causing public disorder while intoxicated.

It turned out that the composer and producer paid a bail of 650 dollars.

On Instagram, Travis posted his edited mugshot photo, and is seen wearing sunglasses and headphones. Sources close to him told TMZ that the rapper doesn’t see the charges as worrying.

“In terms of the actual incident, we’re told he was just partying and things got a little out of control between Travis and the staff when he refused to leave… but the situation never became violent,” he concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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