UN warns of the increase in massacres in Colombia in 2023

BOGOTA.- The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights revealed this Wednesday a worrying increase in the number of massacres in Colombia during the year 2023. According to the report presented, a total of 98 massacres were recorded, which represents an increase of 6.5% compared to the previous year.

Juliette De Rivero, UN representative in Colombia, expressed his concern about this trend, highlighting that, despite certain reductions in violence indicators, the territorial expansion and violent strategies of non-state armed groups and criminal organizations persist. These actions have serious consequences for human rights in the country.

The report details that last year’s massacres left a toll of 320 victims, including 32 children and 18 belonging to ethnic peoples.

In addition, the UN warns about the expansion of violence in 206 Colombian municipalities, a significant increase compared to previous years. In 2022, this phenomenon affected 180 municipalities, while in 2021 there were 156.

De Rivero stressed that the consolidation of power of these groups in certain areas represents a risk for governability and the protection of human rights in Colombia.

Human rights defenders

The report also highlights the worrying situation of human rights defenders, with 105 homicides recorded in 2023, although this figure represents a slight decrease of 9.5% compared to the previous year. However, Colombia continues to be one of the countries with the highest number of homicides of human rights defenders worldwide.

Among other worrying data, the report indicates 53 cases of gender violence, 134 children recruited by armed groups, 48 ​​murders of former FARC guerrillas who signed the peace agreement in 2016, as well as a considerable number of displaced and confined people.

Despite the historic agreement that led to the disarmament and transformation of the FARC into a political party, violence persists in several regions of the country, where guerrillas, paramilitaries and drug trafficking gangs operate that challenge the State.

President Gustavo Petro expressed his willingness to negotiate peace with some of these organizations, although the UN report highlights the importance of them demonstrating a positive change in their treatment of the civilian population as a sign of their true desire for dialogue.

This worrying panorama reinforces the need for continued commitment both nationally and internationally to address violence and protect human rights in Colombia.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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