Fast food is a meal prepared and consumed in a short period of time. Classic examples are french fries, pizzas, snacks and snacks. They are dishes that have an intense flavor, but the difference is that soon after these calories cause damage to health.

“The biggest detriment is that you’re ‘burying’ your quality of life in the long run, creating insulin spikes all the time and satisfying your brain with unhealthy foods. You are getting inflamed and leading your body to a state of inertia, and increasingly storing fat in inappropriate places”, says endocrinologist Mariana Arraes.

She reinforces that fast food should be excluded from those who are engaged in physical exercise and confirms that fast options are addictive. “Actually, for me what is practical and fast is clean and simple food. Fast food is high in fat, sodium, sugar and the brain wants what spikes insulin faster to give a feeling of pleasure. It is a ‘drug’ released with indicated use and incentive advertisements”, emphasizes Mariana.

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