rbb – Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg

Potsdam (ots)

EMBARGOED until 6:00 a.m. Monday

The University of Potsdam is calling on the city of Potsdam to take action after several physical attacks on students.

The perpetrators come from a group of ten to twelve young people, some of whom are right-wing. The attacks took place on the Golm campus of the university. As a reaction to the events, the city of Potsdam released funds for an additional street worker position in the Golm district at the beginning of March.

Since 2021, there have been repeated instances of vandalism, racist insults and swastika graffiti by young people on the campus. This year and last year, students were physically attacked. Witnesses reported anti-queer and racist statements in this context.

At the request of rbb24 research, the Potsdam West police department wrote that they could not find any significant increase in crime in the area of ​​juvenile delinquency on the university campus. According to the police, Golm is not a classic problem area.

In the district there is a campus of the University of Potsdam and university research facilities.

In an interview with rbb24 research, two victims of the attacks report on their experiences with the police. After the first attack last year, the officials called for help met them with a harsh tone and reproaches. Months later, other police officers apologized to those affected.

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Original content from: rbb – Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, transmitted by news aktuell


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