United Nations calls to end discrimination and inequalities

MIAMI. – March 1st marks World Zero Discrimination Day. This date was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly 10 years ago.

It represents a call to promote and recognize the right of all people to have a full and dignified life. This is a right that must be guaranteed. regardless of conditions such as appearance, sex, age, religion, place of origin; social status, opinions, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity; language; health condition; geographic location, and economic or immigration status.

United Nations advocates the urgent need to end inequalities in all their dimensions. By 2024, UNAIDS calls for the protection of rights humans as a way to protect the health of all people.

Winnie Byanyima, executive director of UNAIDS, indicated on February 27 that “attacks on rights are a threat to freedom and democracy and are harmful to health. “Stigma and discrimination hinder HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care, and slow progress towards eradicating AIDS by 2030.”

They attack rights

The UN noted that attacks on rights of women and girls, LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized communities.

The United Nations stressed that when laws, policies, practices or norms enshrine the punishment, discrimination or stigmatization of people for being women, being LGBTQ+, or being immigrants, sex workers, or consuming drugs, “The results lead to public health failure, as these communities are cut off from vital health and social services.”

On the other hand, the United Nations has pointed out that women human rights defenders are targets of conditions of violence, discrimination and stigmatization. These situations are aggravated in hostile contexts marked by the territorial control of organized crime groups, war; the military presence and complex cultural features: these scenarios usually have sexist visions.


Source: United Nations /UNAIDS / International Day Portal

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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