US intelligence accuses Cuba of interfering in Florida elections in 2022

WASHINGTON.- The United States Intelligence Services community released a report that accuses the Cuban dictatorship of having tried to interfere in the elections in the state of Florida in 2022. The document also points out other nations.

Under the title “Foreign Threats to the 2022 US Elections”, the report was presented, drafted in December 2022 but declassified on December 11, 2023 and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, details the official account in X.

The report blames the Cuban dictatorship for trying to weaken congressional and Florida gubernatorial candidates that it perceived as hostile. “Havana likely wanted to advance its goals in international politics, including removing sanctions, travel restrictions and the designation of State Sponsor of Terrorism.”

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Cuba, Russia and Iran involved

The document reveals that Russia, China and Iran were also involved, carrying out broader campaigns, and in comparison, Cuba launched “smaller scale” efforts with “more specific targets.”

The report also concludes that social media accounts “probably linked” to Cuba “amplified negative content” about United States politicians who harshly criticize the Cuban government.

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Tarun Kumar

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