US Supreme Court gives green light to accessory for semi-automatic weapons

WASHINGTON– The Supreme Court of the United States this Friday annulled a regulation supported by the Joe Biden government that unconstitutionally banned “bump stocks”, a device that increases the rate of semi-automatic rifles.

By six votes in favor and three against, the Court ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) overreached in 2018 by reclassifying “bump stocks” as machine guns, banned by a 1934 law during the Prohibition era.

“We consider that a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machine gun’ because it cannot fire more than one shot by ‘simply pulling the trigger,'” writes Justice Clarence Thomas for the majority, relying on a law of 1934, adopted long before the invention of this device.

The backdrop to this matter is a massacre committed by an individual, whose real objectives were left in doubt, in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, which served as the great pretext so that Joe Biden’s government would launch an attack against the sale of weapons and once again encourage the rejection of the second amendment to the US Constitution.

Human violence, not weapons

Unfortunately, and due to poor work by the intelligence and national security systems, this person brutally and mercilessly murdered 58 innocent people, along with hundreds of injured people.

Guns don’t fire themselves. Decades ago, similar massacres did not occur and there were millions of weapons on the streets. The central issue is the encouraged human violence For years in new generations, mental health and the consequences of technology devices with extreme violent video gamesex-soldiers who do not receive medical attention for post-war trauma, adolescents neglected for severe mental problems, along with challenge competitions on social networks and movies of super violence and crimes.

All previous creates human time bombs. However, the propaganda of the left and the extreme left does not accuse the companies that produce, develop and proliferate extreme violence. Nor does it blame the lucrative video game industry or the gaps in the deficient or practically non-existent mental health treatments in the US.

Disarming the people was the first thing that Fidel Castro did in Cuba in a deliberate and authoritarian way to become the worst and cruelest dictator in Latin America and the Caribbean and one of the most repulsive on the planet. Even his oppressive regime continues against the will of the majority of Cubans on and off the island.

Dictatorships immediately seek absolute control of the judicial and military power to prevent the injustices and crimes they commit in the name of justice from translating into armed uprisings.

The left and its purposes

One of the reasons for the Second Amendment in the United States is precisely that the people are armed as one of the ways to prevent a government with overtones of dictatorship and military power from overwhelming the people. That’s why, the freedom to bear arms is a right and a power that Americans have in the face of similar intentions.

For decades, the left in the US has been trying to eliminate the Second Amendment and eradicate the sale of weapons to civilians. Behind that apparent human and sensitive proposal exist many hidden political and institutional power interests. Hence conservatives and many honest democrats always defend the Second Amendment as the sacred right to freedom and against the submission of governments that seek to remain in power.

The rifles of the author of this massacre, whose real goals possibly never known, they were equipped with these removable stocks that allowed them to fire at higher speeds.

After the tragedy, the ATF reconsidered its position on these devices.

In February 2018, a few days after a massacre at a high school in Florida (southeast), in which 17 people died, the administration of then-Republican President Donald Trump committed to ban “bump stocks.”

In December of the same year, the ATF announced that it would consider them to be machine guns and ordered those who owned them to destroy them or turn them over to authorities within 90 days.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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