US warning on Islamic State: rebuilding in two countries

For some years now they have been warning about this terrorism expertsAnd now the United States Army is saying: Islamic State, one of the most active terrorist organizations in the worldis being rebuilt in recent times. And it does so in the place where he was born: Syria and Iraq.

Now, they claim that it is recovering the ability that I lost at the time After the disappearance of the caliphate that he established in both countries, from which he generated terror throughout the world with various attacks, especially between 2014 and 2017. A notice that has been published by the US Army Central Command (CENTCOM)which is in charge of the Middle East and is leading the mission to end this terrorist organization.

From this unit they assure that, so far this year, ISIS has carried out 153 attacks between Syria and Iraq. If this pace continues, they add, it is on its way to more than double the total number of attacks claimed in 2023. An increase in the frequency of attacks that, for the Central Command, means that they are trying to return to full operation after several years of a reduced capacity.

US response to these attacks

In response, the United States and its partners, the Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces, have carried out 196 shares during the first six months of the year. In them they have been shot down 44 ISIS agents have been arrested and 166 others have been arrested. Most of these operations have been carried out in Iraq, with 30 agents neutralized and 74 arrested in 137 operations.In Syria, 59 operations were carried out. (14 dead and 92 arrested).

In any case, the US agency recalls that, still, Some 2,500 Islamic State fighters are at large in both countries. Among the militiamen killed are eight senior officialswhich has led to the degradation of ISIS’s capabilities to conduct external operations in the United States and allied countries. We continue to focus our efforts on attacking those members of the Islamic State who are seeking to conduct operations outside of Syria and Iraqsays Michael Erik Kurilla, head of CENTCOM.

History is repeating itself

A reconstruction that, for Aaron Zelin, expert on jihadism of the Washington Institute for Near East Policyis a reality that has not been seen since 2017. It should sound alarm bells not only at CENTCOM, but in the White House.If not addressed quickly, we risk seeing a familiar story repeat itself in the coming months and years.

For this expert, the current situation of the Islamic State It has little to do with what Al Qaeda was. in its day. It is now much more integrated as an organization into its global network than al-Qaeda has ever been, he warns. And after losing the last bastion of the caliphate five years ago in Syria, its new reconstruction poses a more complicated challenge, since is recovering in a different way than it did a decade ago.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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