president of Ecuador says he receives death threats

QUITO.- A few hours before a momentous election in Venezuelathe president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboasaid on Friday that the Caribbean country is “kidnapped” by “recalcitrant figures” who seek to perpetuate themselves in power.

“We are concerned to see how recalcitrant figures of an old politics now want to perpetuate themselves in power, they want to keep this prosperous nation kidnapped and alienated from the world,” Noboa said in a message posted on his social networks.

The Ecuadorian president harshly criticized the regime of Nicolás Maduro, pointing out that his policies have led to corruption, poverty and social and economic inequality in the Caribbean country. Noboa urged that all forms of persecution and harassment against the political opposition cease, especially in the context of the upcoming Venezuelan presidential elections.

“It is crucial that the Venezuelan people be able to elect their leaders in an environment of freedom and democracy, without pressure or coercion. Elections must be a genuine expression of the popular will, not a tool to satisfy ambitions for power,” he said.

Noboa stressed the importance of respecting the election results, emphasizing that “the will of the people is sacred.” He emphasized that those who are not favored at the polls must abide by the popular mandate and step down from power, allowing Venezuela to move toward a more just and democratic future.

This statement comes at a critical time for Venezuela, as the country prepares for elections that will be closely watched both nationally and internationally. Noboa’s statements reflect growing concern in the region about the political and social situation in Venezuela, and a call to the international community to support a fair and transparent electoral process.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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