Venezuela receives Russian military vessels amid global tensions

LA GUAIRA.- Venezuela received a visit from two Russian military vessels in the Port of La Guaira on Tuesday, marking a new phase in military cooperation between Caracas and Moscow. fragata Almirante Gorshkov and the petrolero Akademik Pashinboth belonging to the Russian Northern Fleetdocked at the port near the Venezuelan capital, after a stopover in Cuba.

He Ministry of Defense of Russia He said the purpose of this visit was to “show the flag and ensure a naval presence in strategically important operational zones.” The ships, which will be in Venezuela for several days, are part of a demonstration of Russian naval capabilities in the region.

Although the Venezuelan regime has not issued an official statement on the matter, this visit underlines the close ties between the two countries. dictator Nicolas Maduro maintains a firm alliance with Russia, supporting Moscow on various fronts, including its stance on the conflict with Ukraine.

The Russian ships arrived in Venezuela after conducting military exercises in Cuba, another close Russian ally in the Western Hemisphere. In Havana, the vessels participated in high-precision missile maneuvers, demonstrating Russian military capabilities in an area close to U.S. shores.

This display of naval power comes amid rising global tensions and reflects Russia’s efforts to maintain and strengthen its strategic relations in Latin America. The visit of these military vessels not only strengthens diplomatic ties, but also sends a clear message about Russia’s readiness to support its allies in the region.

As Venezuela prepares for presidential elections on July 28, where Maduro will seek a third term, the presence of these ships underscores the importance of the strategic alliance with Russia for the Venezuelan regime.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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