You are currently viewing Vicky Luengo reveals how ‘La Resistencia’ influenced her when recording ‘Reina Roja’

There are years that are named after movies. And in the case of Amazon Prime Video2024 has the name of a safe bet in series form. Red Queen. Just a week ago it was announced that February 29 was the day chosen for this police adventure to reach every homebreaking a long silence about the information surrounding the adaptation of the novel by Juan Gomez Jurado. If anything was previously known, it was the name of the leading actress and actor. Vicky Luengo y Hovik Keuchkerian.

For both of them the challenge has been enormous. The reason: the viewer’s high expectations. However, for one of us it has been, if possible, a little more difficult. That has been the case of Luengo, who plays Antonia Scotta woman whose IQ of 242 makes her the smartest on the face of the Earth. However, it was not this factor that ruined the filming; but another, something so unpredictable that it could even go unnoticed. Something whose origin is found in the program David Broncano.

Last Monday Vicky Luengo visited The resistance. It wasn’t the first time he had done it. On this occasion he participated in the long jump that some guests perform on the set with their sights set on a single goal: surpass Amaia’s mark. He set about it. And when he took off his shoes, she revealed it: “The first time I came to La Resistencia I showed my feet and they told me that I had ugly feet for two years.”.

“This is not a joke, huh!”

After the game they returned to this matter. The actress then assured that “rotating Red Queen “The character goes barefoot for a long time.”which made me have to “walking through Lavapiés barefoot”. The presenter saw a gap and cracked a joke: “poor cast… having to see those feet all the time”. When it seemed that the joke had been settled with some innocent laughter, Luengo uncovered the great influence that Broncano’s program had had on the filming of a film that, through it, turned a ‘trauma’ into an opportunity.

“They go out a lot, but do you know why? Because Koldo Serra, the director, told me: ‘since I saw you in La Resistencia… then I saw you in Antidisturbios and I said, I want to work with this girl’he said, preceding the bombshell with a “This is not a joke, huh!”. She asked him why he kept recording her feet and Serra’s response left her pleasantly chilled: “because I saw them in The resistance also”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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