Victoria Abril, accused of sexual assault

These are diffuse days for the world of cinema. Since the French actress Charlotte Arnauld pulled the blanket in 2018, denouncing rape Grard Depardieu and opening a Pandora’s box that no one could predict, many accusations of sexual assault against the same person have followed one another over time. Up to fifteen women have done so this year, pointing to sexually inappropriate behavior. The immediate reaction of a specific sector of the world of culture was to issue a statement, an open letter published in Le Figarosupporting the French without cracks or nuances and condemning the social lynching he receives.

There were 56 signing personalities. Between them, Victoria April. One day later, coinciding with the birthday of someone who once occupied the international billboard under Cyrano de Bergerac, everything has ended up going up in the air. Arnould herself complained about the aforementioned document on Instagram with an ironic publication. Below, in the comment box, the actress Lucie Lucasprotagonist of the series Clem in which April plays her mother, He burst out and bluntly, directly and witheringly accused the Spanish interpreter of committing sexual assaults.

Do you want us to talk about your attacks, including sexual ones?

It can not be true! I’m shocked… Tell me you didn’t make them?!, wrote Lucas when observing the signature of what was once an Almodvar girl. Little by little he was removing the ring from the grenade that ended up breaking his silence: vomiting artists, shitty boomers… what a shame!!! I really can’t believe it! I can’t wait for you to disappear from our screens forever!

First, let’s look at the general picture. I have been an actress for fifteen years and I protect many of these degenerates by not saying in interviews all the bad things they do to others on a set.. Always telling the journalists that everything went very well on the set, that everyone is so nice and adorable… When it’s often totally falsehe revealed.

And then he pointed directly to the malaguea, his stage companion for eight long years. Hey, Victoria? Do you want us to talk about your numerous attacks, including sexual ones, on your colleagues?he asked himself with boredom and irony. Now that I think about it, I’m not surprised you signed that newspaper… You’re freaking out too, and now that I think about it, you’re right. Enough of the nonsensehe then settled, in an outburst of alleged sincerity that has set some sectors of cinema on fire and that makes that Pandora’s box opened five years ago.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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