The students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of La Plata will carry out a new mobilization this Thursday in front of the university building at 60 and 118, this time to claim against the Board of Directors that, according to the accusation, did not deal with any of the demands presented by the student body during the session held this week.

From a group -Unite-, they consigned that “in the face of the refusal of the presentations of the students in the board of directors, far from lowering our arms we have to redouble our efforts to guarantee the permanence and graduation of our faculty.”

“That is why we call at 12:00 pm in the faculty to continue deepening the path of struggle of the students of Medical Sciences and that no one has to fall behind in the race,” they added.

“End dates throughout the year, correlative plan, bochazos, deadlines for practical work, tables in April to pass the year and overcrowding in the classrooms” are some of the topics that students try to deal with in the deliberative body of the Faculty.

“Yesterday the Council met again. From the student body seven projects were presented and all were rejected. They did not even give us a reason, a why,” they explained today from another group.

Meanwhile, Franja Morada assured that “once again the students are harmed by the elitist, anti-democratic and anti-pedagogical policies that the current management of the dean Juan Ángel Basualdo Farjat has been developing, elected by Remediar and at that time “El Frente” formed by Viento de Down and Unite”.

“Given the denial of all our claims, we will continue to organize ourselves and seek solutions so that no student from our beloved faculty is left out of it just because of the political decision of an undemocratic council,” they stated.

Meanwhile, the claim of graduates, “graduate teaching assistants, teaching assistants and heads of practical work” continues to the dean of that academic unit to deal with the budget assigned to that faculty for this school year.

The note was presented to the dean of the faculty, Juan Basualdo Farjat. As indicated, it was carried out as a request for reports.

The proposal was signed by the entire bench of the cloister (graduates and assistants) in the Board of Directors of Medicine and higher of the University.

“The request for reports is motivated by the absence of discussion and follow-up of the same (budget) in the respective commission of the HCD and in the plenary of the Board of Directors as provided for in paragraphs 7 and 17 of article 80 of the Statute of the National University of La Plata” .

In another order, the students announced yesterday the drama of the overpopulation in the classrooms, particularly in the Anatomy C class, where not a few present had to sit on the floor.

A student of the subject described that “it is clearly seen that there is no place for anything. Everyone is sitting on the floor, on the stairs, there were people who were listening from outside”.

The young woman claimed an advance with the allocation of a larger space. “Now, they were going to collect a sign to be able to request the main classroom, which is one of the largest in the faculty. But having so many students and few places is horrible, ”she said.

The head of the chair, Ángel Narduzzi, maintained that the crowds always occur at the beginning of the course and then decrease since a good part of the students opt for virtual listening of the classes.


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