The appearance of a giant python in a house in La Plata disturbed the tranquility of the neighborhood, and at this time the neighbors are worried (see: As this newspaper reported, the snake was found on the block of 68 between 30 and 31, causing a great scare among those who live on that block, but which was transferred to the entire neighborhood this Monday when the surprise appearance of the reptile was known.

After the shocking photos were published, this newspaper accessed a video showing the python at the moment it was discovered. You can see how he first moves along the sidewalk until he reaches a gate. There he begins to climb it and then enter the home that, although it was first reported that it was a building, later it was verified that the discovery occurred in a private house and that the owner was woken up by the police bell to inform her what was happening. it happened. Those who managed to see her say that she was “more than two meters”.

It should be noted that the troops went to the place after a call to 911 and it was indicated that so far no person had presented themselves as the owner of the animal. He was finally able to be captured and taken to the Ecological Police station. It was even learned that personnel from that organization had to protect the python due to the danger it represents in the face of a possible attack.

This species, like its close relatives such as boas, are constrictor snakes, and by definition, non-venomous. They usually attack by ambushing animals that pass by.

Thus they manage to kill their prey by suffocation, but first they bite by seizing them with their mouths and rapidly coiling their bodies around them. Once like this, it exerts high pressures on the ribs and lungs of its prey, which thus cannot inhale and dies.

Most pythons feed on “warm-blooded” animals such as birds and mammals, although species have been known to prey on other reptiles (including other snakes), amphibians, and fish as well.


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