National Museum of Romanticism exhibits Goya's La Piedad

ZARAGOZA.- The consulting firm Integra Tecnologa has provided the digital content that shapes a exhibition unique virtual Goya and which has been promoted by the American company Sagan Works.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Francisco de Goya, which is commemorated this Saturday, March 30, a new virtual exhibition, unique in its kind, has opened its digital doors in the museo The Chronosphere and which imitates the appearance of a traditional museum gallery and where the public can enjoy the main works of this legendary painter, from his masterful aquatints to the countless court portraits, passing through statues painted by famous artists who They honored Goya on the 275th anniversary of his birth.

The exhibition, which can be visited at complete with a recreated version of the Quinta del Sordothe hacienda where Francisco de Goya spent some of his last years while he lost his hearing and where he developed his famous black paintings.

The Chronosphere museum has recreated this place, including the real location of the black paintings, setting it with sound and visual effects that provide a unique experience to visitors to the exhibition. This immersive visit immerses the public in the mind of a brilliant artist and the hard times he lived through.

This new way of experiencing the history and legacy of an artist like Goya is now possible thanks to the most advanced technology and is available to the public for free.

Integra’s Digital Heritage area has participated in this project through the creation of a photogrammetric digital twin of four emblematic sculptures by the artist, which has allowed the detail of these works to be transferred to the digital environment.


“This collaboration, developed with the highest level of precision and care, reflects our commitment to the dissemination of artistic heritage and cultural inspiration, allowing the greatness of Goya to be experienced in a completely new and accessible way,” said the person responsible for the project. in Integra, Joan Sastre.

This project is a clear example of how the most innovative and innovative technological developments applied to the field of culture contribute to bringing artistic disciplines such as sculpture, painting or architecture to all corners of the world, allowing anyone with a device to connected to the Internet you will know and enjoy the most important works of art in the history of humanity.

FUENTE: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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