Nacho Vidal alleges that the photographer Jos Luis Abad voluntarily submits to the rite of the bufo frog

Nacho Vidal finally be tried after the Valencia Court revoked the provisional dismissal of the case that affects the former adult film actor for its alleged and relationship with the death of the photographer José Luis Abad. This person lost his life after ingesting methylfuboteninhallucinogenic substance present in the ritual of sapo bufoin a house located in the town of Enguera.

After accepting the appeals from the relatives of the deceased, said judicial body considers that There is sufficient evidence for the accused to be sentenced to a possible crime of homicide due to serious imprudence and another against public health. Furthermore, he states in his car that Vidal assumed the function of director of the ritegiven your knowledge especial about this type of ceremonies. The former actor also knew the toxicity of the substance he was going to administer to the deceased and did not take any precautions.

His collaboration with justice

Vosseler Lawyerslaw firm that defends the accused, maintains his client’s innocence given the times he has shown absolute collaboration with justice to clarify what happened. It should be remembered that the tragic event, in which Vidal was accused of reckless homicide, was already archived by the judge of Xtiva, a decision to which the Prosecutor’s Office itself joined. Vosseler Abogados maintains its total innocence and confirms that its client will continue to collaborate with Justice absolutely, as it has done until now.

The lawyer Daniel Salvador points out that there is no evidence that incriminates the accusedand ensures that the order issued by the Valencia Court on the dismissal of the case is biased because it ignores procedures that clarify how the events occurred. Therefore, sYour defense will allege that the victim underwent this rite voluntarily and will rely on the forensic report. which indicated that methylfubotenin did not end the life of the photographer, who consumed cocaine before arriving at the house.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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