Mexico City.- Although now there is a very fashionable current among women that consists of letting the canes shine naturally at any age, there are also those who prefer to appear late and disguise them when they do it to look younger. Las dos opciones son buenas mientras una senta bien bem com mismo.

And the canes can appear when the person is still very young, due to hereditary factors or some pathology, but the reality is that white hair is identified more as a natural sign of aging.


The canes do not mean that the hair changes color, but it loses color. They are produced when the melanocytes, the cells that produce the pigment (melanin), stop working. In addition to genetics, there are other factors that can accelerate this process, such as stress, exposure to chemicals or lack of nutrients. Today for today there is no way to reverse the canes (although some studies suggest that it is not impossible). Therefore, if we want to delay your appearance as long as possible, it is important to take care of the diet and provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals that favor capillary health and melanin production. The simple answer, therefore, is that you maintain a balanced diet where all foods are not lacking. The more fresh and varied this diet is, the more you are sure you are getting everything your hair needs to grow healthy and strong.

QUÉ VITAMINAS RETRASAN LA APARICIÓN DE LAS CANAS The fundamental vitamins against the canes are:

Retinol: name of vitamin A, contributes to hair growth and repair and regulates sebaceous secretion. It is a dual-purpose weapon, because if we take it in excess it can be harmful to the fur. It is obtained from foods such as zanahorias, calabashes or spinach.

Vitamin B12: this vitamin is essential for cellular metabolism and the formation of red blood cells. Its deficiency can cause anemia and loss of color in the hair. It is found in foods of animal origin such as meat, fish, chicken or dairy products.

Biotin: name of vitamin B8, very necessary for the health of hair, nails and skin in general. Your lack makes the hair fall off or lose color. Presente en la yema del huevo. However, the light cruda has the opposite effect and cancels its absorption.

Folic acid: this is vitamin B9, this nutrient helps to synthesize methionine, another substance that participates in hair color. In addition, it strengthens the hair follicles and prevents hair loss. It can be obtained from green leaf vegetables (lechuga, spinacas), legumes or dried fruits.

Vitamin C: has an antioxidant effect that protects the hair from damage caused by free radicals. As you know, free radicals are produced naturally during cellular metabolism or through exposure to environmental factors such as contaminants. Vitamin C also stimulates collagen production. If halla en citric fruits, kiwis, strawberries or peppers.

Vitamin D: favors the production of melanin and strengthens the hair follicles. In addition, it helps the calcium to be absorbed better in the organism, which also influences the color of the hair. Vitamin D is mainly obtained with moderate exposure to the sun. Just ten minutes a day.

Vitamin E: also has antioxidant properties that improve blood circulation in the hairy skin and nourish the hair from the root. It can be found in vegetable oils, semillas or avocados.


In addition to vitamins, these minerals are essential for hair health.

Copper participates in the synthesis of melanin and prevents the canes from appearing prematurely.

The zinc protects the hair tissue, reduces hair loss and the canes.

Zinc and copper can be obtained from foods such as red meat, seafood, vegetables and dark chocolate.

To all these nutrients it is necessary to add good hydration and healthy habits:

Avoid stress: try relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga, and make sure you get enough sleep and exercise regularly to reduce tension.

Avoid the excessive use of dryers or chemical dyes. The hair products that are aggressive chemicals end up deteriorating. Replace them with natural and gentle products to keep your hair healthy and shiny.


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