Vox abandons Meloni in Europe

Vox leaves the European Conservatives and Reformists group (ECR) of the European Parliament, led by the Prime Minister of Italy, Georgia Melonito join the Patriots for Europe movement led by Hungarian President Viktor Orbn.

With this decision, Santiago Abascal’s party joins parties such as the Fidesz from Hungary, the FP of Austriathe Czechs of AGAIN 2011 (Alliance of Dissatisfied Citizens, in Czech), and the Portuguese arrives, chaired by André Venturathe third force in the neighboring country in the last parliamentary elections on March 10, with more than one million votes.

Despite leaving ECR, Vox has shown its gratitude and strong friendship to this group of the European Parliament and, in particular, a Fratelli dItalia ya the Italian representativeIn a statement, they also argued that the platform aims to form a new parliamentary group in the European Parliament, whose constitution and composition will likely be announced in the coming days.

On the other hand, they described it as a historic opportunity for European patriotic forces to become an alternative to the socialists and the populars. In order to form a parliamentary group in Strasbourg, Patriots for Europe needs at least 25 seats from seven different nationalities.

It is a very important sign

As for this new platform, he is still waiting to see what Marine Le Pen’s party, National Rally, decides. In Italy, the leader of the far-right League party, as well as being vice president and minister for infrastructure and transport, Matteo Salvini, stated that the abandonment of Vox is a very important sign for the change.

The front for change in Europe is growing, determined to say no to Von der Leyen and the socialistsadded Meloni’s partner in the Italian government. Vox’s decision comes just 72 hours before the party holds its first constituent meeting.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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