Find out what fate has in store for you this Sunday, April 30, 2023 with the best of horoscope of Walter Mercadocheck the predictions of your day, your lucky number and start the day on the right foot. ohThe Truth News wishes you good fortune!


Close a very special month for many Arians. You have started a new year of life in which you have proposed to be happy. Your goals include taking care of your health, saving, enjoying your family and doing what you love to do. The stars support you with their energy during the rest of the year. Your affirmation today: “I am responsible for my thoughts, words and actions.”

lucky numbers: 7, 21, 50.


A month full of many blessings arrives for you. Like Aries, the Taurans begin a new year where they have proposed to progress in many aspects. Despite the global economic situation, Taurus is looking for financial stability and you lack nothing. A new job, a business, investments, where you put your attention and effort will be an economic success. Your statement today: “I live today building my future.”

lucky numbers: 8, 29, 32.


You feel in great spirits to go out and distract yourself on this day. Go shopping, to the movies, visit a friend, what you do will be with the purpose of getting out of the daily routine. Stop thinking about the past, about what could have been or happened. You can only control the present, enjoy it. Your statement today: “I am a very lucky and blessed person.”

lucky numbers: 6, 7. 54.


You have faced very strong tests that lead you to think about making important changes in your life. The planetary energy of this 2023 leads us to organize ourselves, to establish priorities and to build the foundations of a more stable future. Before the end of this spring you will have overcome many obstacles and you will feel full of encouragement to continue your happy life. Your statement today: “I wish for my peace, love and good health.”

lucky numbers: 44, 18, 29


These first months of 2023 you have been very busy with family, work and personal matters. Spring has brought an awakening in you towards everything mystical and esoteric. Today everything will happen perfectly, in complete Divine order. Continue flowing without resistance in this life plan and enjoy it. Thank you and love yourself very much. Your affirmation today: “My heart is full of peace and love.”

Lucky numbers: 35, 27, 30.


Your beauty and personal magnetism attract the attention of many. Day to go out on a conquest or spend it with your special person. Highlight your charms even more. You arouse the jealousy of someone from your past, but you look to the future. What was not good, is left behind. Now is the time to be happy. Your statement today: “I live in complete harmony with Divinity.”

lucky numbers: 4, 20, 11.


There is a cloak of mystery in you that makes you irresistible. The people around you do not know what is happening to you, and it is that you are becoming someone more special. You have faith and you feel more sure of yourself. You have matured and you know what you want in life. You value yourself a lot and whoever loves you has to give you first place in their life. Your affirmation today: “Thank you for everything I receive and for so much love.”

lucky numbers: 39, 35, 21.


Action Sunday for you. The planets encourage you to keep your mind busy so as not to think about a great sorrow that you carry inside. Let go of what has no solution. Every new day is an opportunity we have to get ahead. In love as in work, the same applies. Everything changes, nothing is permanent. Your affirmation today: “Nothing is permanent. I am happy today”.

Lucky numbers: 19, 22, 42.


A well-known person has become or will be a great friend. The universe has given you a new teacher to help you in your new facet of life. Listen to the advice of those who have successfully overcome issues similar to the ones you are facing. Visit a temple or sacred place to fill yourself with peace and love. May your thoughts and words be positive, Sagittarius. Your statement today: “I live under God’s protection.”

Lucky numbers: 6, 37, 51.


Today is a good day to make a gift of love for yourself. You deserve to do something for yourself that will lift your spirits. Find a new hobby, an adventure that challenges your senses, a makeover that demonstrates the change that is occurring within you. Avoid answering a message or call from one or more toxic people. Your affirmation today: “I am health, prosperity, peace and love”.

lucky numbers: 1, 9, 397.


You open your eyes to a truth you didn’t want to admit. It is difficult for you to make a decision that sooner or later is necessary. Review everything you miss out on enjoying by being tied to some ideas, precepts, customs that keep you stagnant and do not allow you to evolve. In your Aquarian nature is to be rebellious, innovative, creative and different. Forward. Your affirmation today: “I decree total success for myself.”

lucky numbers: 29, 33, 10.


Pisceans have a heart full of good feelings. You are aware that what we wish for or do to others, we do to ourselves. You create good karma with your good deeds. The planets have a very positive influence on you, highlighting your empathy and selfless love for those around you. Your affirmation today: “My being gives and receives love in abundance”.

lucky numbers: 20, 43, 11.

Dannette Benet Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.

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